Search results for:European Green Plan

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IEA Encourages Turkey to Deepen Energy Market Reforms

Since the last IEA in-depth review in 2009, Turkey has made significant progress in reforming its energy sector. Completing the reforms will allow Turkey to tap into its renewable and energy efficiency...

Serbia has remarkable wind-based energy generation potential

Energy portal had chance to meet in Novi Sad Mr Henk van den Dool, ambassador of Netherlands in Serbia. We talk to him during  the fair “International days of energetics and investment”...

Climate change and migration vote on the Agenda This Week

Defence, climate change and migration are the three issues topping the EU's agenda this week, with discussions and a vote that could shape EU policies in the long run. On Monday and Tuesday...

The key challenge for Serbia is to move toward low carbon economy

The author of the text: Miroslav Tadić, UNDP Based on the state of environmental infrastructure  in  the  Republic  of  Serbia  and  the  extrapolation  of  the situation in the countries that have recently become...

China Embarked on Wind Power Frenzy, Says IEA

China has been building two wind turbines every hour, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has told BBC News. This is the world's biggest programme of turbine installation, double that of its nearest rival,...

Audi A9 E-tron Electric Car, Tesla Model S Rival, to Launch by 2020: Report

The established German luxury carmakers are now taking Tesla Motors quite seriously, and are preparing a crop of electric cars to compete directly with its Model S and Model X. In 2018, Audi...

Volcanic eruptions slow down climate change – temporarily

Although global concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has continuously increased over the past decade, the mean global surface temperature has not followed the same path. A team of international reseachers,...

Record 46% of UK’s Electricity Generated by Clean Energy Sources in 2015

Almost half the UK’s electricity came from clean energy sources such as wind and nuclear power last year, official figures have revealed. Renewables accounted for a quarter of the country’s power supplies in...

Why Brexit May Be Good News for World’s First Tidal Lagoons

Plans for the world’s first tidal lagoons off the coast of South Wales could be bolstered by Britain’s exit from the European Union, according to the developer pledging thousands of new jobs...

Mixed Fortunes for Nuclear Power

In July 2013, hundreds of people took to the streets in the southern Chinese city of Jiangmen to protest the proposed construction of a uranium processing plant in the region. The $6 billion...

Towards Clean and Smart Mobility

Transport plays a critical role in the way we live. Our food, clothes and household waste all need to be transported, contributing to our economy and quality of life. But the increasing...

ABB EV Road Trip: Doing on the Ground what Solar Impulse is Doing in the Air

Solar Impulse has proved that clean, electric transport is capable of great things in the air. Now, Solar Impulse Main Partner ABB is embarking an its own electric vehicle adventure: a symbolic...

Report Shows that Renewable Energy Smashes Global Records in 2015

An upsurge in new wind, solar and hydro plants and capacity saw renewable energy smash global records last year, according to a report on new supply. Some 147 Gigawatts of renewable electricity came...

EBRD financing Albania’s power system overhaul

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will conduct a final review of the project for the restructuring of Albanian Power Corporation (KESH sh. a.) and the energy sector of Albania in...

EU grants support to Albania–Macedonia power link

At the Western Balkans Investment Summit, in the presence of all regional prime ministers, the European Union confirmed its intention to provide a EUR 12 million grant to support construction of the...

Malta investing in Montenegro Energy Sector

Investment in the wind farm at Možura hill is a first step of possible cooperation between Montenegro and Malta in energy sector, prime minister Milo Đukanović said, adding he is sure that...



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