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Sofia City Urban Challenge 2017

Sofia city is looking for excellent start-ups that can offer solutions for clean air. Apply until the 15th of September 2017 HERE and get a chance to participate in the Urban Challenges pitch...

Norway’s Arctic Oil & Gas Exploration Plans Stand In The Way Of Achieving Paris Climate Goals, Report Argues

While Norway has something of a reputation internationally as being “progressive” and “green,” the country’s well fed economy and society is largely the result of a highly productive fossil fuel extraction industry. In...

Extreme Heatwaves With “Apparent Temperatures” As High As 55° Celsius To Regularly Affect Much Of World (With 4° Celsius Of Warming Over Pre-Industrial Levels)

If global temperatures rise 4° Celsius over pre-industrial levels, then extreme heatwaves with “apparent temperatures” peaking at over 55° Celsius will begin to regularly affect many densely populated parts of the world,...

2° Celsius Rise In Global Temperature Is Climate Change “Best Case Scenario”

2 degrees Celsius has become the catchphrase that people around the world use when talking about climate change and how much average global temperatures will rise by the end of this century....

Greenland Ice Sheet Likely Contains High Levels Of Anthropogenic Pollutants

The Greenland ice sheet is likely to be heavily contaminated with various globally emitted pollutants — such as PCBs, mercury, lead, PAHs, etc. — according to new research published in the journal...

Planet has Just 5% Chance of Reaching Paris Climate Goal, Study Says

There is only a five per cent chance that the Earth will avoid warming by at least 2C come the end of the century, according to new research that paints a sobering...

Ozone Pollution Tied To Cardiovascular Disease

Ozone air pollution has now been directly tied to the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, which expands the list of health effects known to be caused by ozone exposure, and also lowers...

Study: Solar Heating Could Provide More Than 80% Of Heating Energy For Households In Finland

Up to around ~80% of the heating energy needed for Finnish households could be met through the use of solar energy, depending upon the method of technical implementation, according to a new...

Vast Amounts Of Toxic Mercury Accumulating In Arctic, Global Industrial Emissions To Blame

Enormous quantities of toxic mercury are now accumulating in the Arctic tundra as a result of industrial activity and emissions in the temperate parts of the globe, according to a new study...

Capgemini Beats Carbon Reduction Target One Year Early

IT services giant Capgemini has exceeded its carbon dioxide reduction target a year ahead of schedule, with its latest annual CSR report demonstrating how progress is being maintained towards its long-term Science...

Plastic Bag Use in England Tumbles Thanks to 5p Charge

Major supermarkets in England have seen a huge drop in the number of plastic bags issued to customers since they were forced to begin charging 5p for their use in 2015. The latest...

Giant Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Back on Track after RSPB Appeal Rejected

A £2bn offshore wind farm planned for the Scottish coast took a major step forward today, after courts rejected a request from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) to...

Coral Reefs Show Signs Of Both Climate Stress & Resilience

Coral reefs are home to a vast array of ocean creatures. They provide food, protection against storm damage, sustain tourism and inspire wonder. “If we lose corals, we lose a vital piece...

Sea Level Rise to Flood Major U.S. Cities

As an iceberg the size of Delaware broke away from an ice shelf in Antarctica Wednesday, scientists released findings that up to 668 U.S. communities could face chronic flooding from rising sea...

Study Of Owl Wings Could Lead To Quieter Wind Turbines

The owl is one of nature’s stealthiest hunters. It flies through the air at great speed but in nearly total silence, giving its prey no clue that it is about to become...

Space Shades Malta’s Solar Power Push

Millions of people flock to Malta to get roasted by the intense sun, but the Mediterranean island struggles to hit its solar power goals.Despite being one of the EU’s sunniest countries, Malta...



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