Search results for:energy from renewable sources

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Zagreb on the Path to Climate Neutrality

Careful planning of the preservation of existing green areas and planting greenery in new areas is very important, especially for the urban environment. Greenery reduces air pollution, mitigates the effects of tropical...

Innovative “Living Plastic” Decomposes in Just One Week

The fight against plastic pollution is crucial for the protection of natural resources and mitigating the climate crisis. Developing environmentally friendly solutions and reducing the use of plastic in everyday life are...

MOL Group is a Leading Player in Creating a Green and Self-Sustaining Region

In mid-March of this year, MOL Group updated its long-term strategy SHAPE TOMORROW, according to which the company aims to make the region greener, more self-sustainable and more competitive. MOL Group ensures...

Greenpeace: Investment in Nuclear Power Plants is Expensive

Greenpeace activists from eight countries, during the International Conference on Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE), held in Portorož, sent the message, "Nuclear fairy tale, costly reality!" In a referendum to be held...

Why Did a Greek Village Emerge from the Water?

Beneath the calm surface of Lake Mornos, near Athens, the remnants of the village of Kalio, submerged more than four decades ago, lay undisturbed until recently. Just as the village had almost...

50.4 Million Euros Secured for the Largest Floating Solar Power Plant in Europe

The trend of increasing solar power capacity is expanding to water surfaces, and one of the largest such projects in Europe is being built in northwestern France. After the project faced financing...

Manasija Gets a Solar Power Plant

The energy transition leaves no one behind – everyone is encouraged to turn to clean energy sources and reduce their carbon footprint to achieve a greener future as quickly as possible. Religious...

EPS Changes Rules for Commercial Customers

New methodologies for forming electricity prices for customers under commercial supply have been adopted by the Assembly of the Joint Stock Company "Elektroprivreda Srbije" (EPS), with the aim of establishing prices that...

New Technology Enables Charging Wearable Devices During Running

Researchers at the Advanced Technology Institute (ATI) of the University of Surrey have developed innovative nanogenerators that harness energy from everyday activities, such as running, to power wearable devices. In their study, published...

Active Fires in Serbia – No Threat to the Population

In the last 24 hours, the members of the Emergency Situations Sector have been engaged in 108 open-space fires across the territory of the Republic of Serbia, the Serbian Ministry of Internal...

Accelerated Growth Trend of Solar Capacities

The prevailing stance in expert circles today regarding solar energy is undeniably positive. Particular emphasis is placed on its achieved technological maturity and the most rapid growth trend compared to other renewable...

The RES SERBIA 2024 Conference Announces new Investments for a Greener Serbia

Which wind and solar power plants will participate in auctions for market premiums, how European manufacturers of wind generators, solar panels and other equipment are fighting with competition from China, and what...

Why Aren’t We Reducing our Reliance on Fossil Fuels Faster?

The world must rapidly cut its greenhouse gas emissions. Remarkable progress has been made, especially in the adoption of renewable energy in the transport and energy sectors, but the change is not...

The Serbian Electricity Exchange Ensures the Highest European Standards

After almost a decade since its foundation and becoming operational in February 2016, the Serbian Electricity Exchange (SEEPEX) has firmly positioned itself not only as an important support provider in green transition...

Encouraging Competitiveness in Buying and Selling Electricity

As an energy entity responsible for organizing and managing the electricity market in Montenegro, the Montenegrin Electricity Market Operator (COTEE) continuously works to improve this segment while following trends and changes in...

Investing In Sustainable Management of RES

Serbia will accomplish the green transition of its energy sector through the increase of renewable energy sources, the improvement of power grids and energy storage, the promotion of fuels with zero carbon...



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