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Development of the Energy Sector in Montenegro

In 2014 a comprehensive plan for the development of the energy sector with the emblematic title “Energy Development Strategy by 2030‘ was passed by the Montenegrin Government. The policy document considers all...

China Ratchets Down Green-Energy Growth for First Time ever

Over the past few years, China has made a major push to reduce carbon emissions by encouraging use of green technologies. Thanks to generous government incentives and fleet purchases, it is now...

Massachusetts Sets Offshore Target

Massachusetts has adopted an energy bill that requires utilities to contract 1.6GW of offshore wind power by July 2027. It is the first legislation of its kind that includes a carve-out for offshore...

From Swords to Solar, a German Town Takes Control of its Energy

The German town of Saerbeck is a swords to solar panels story. Above this former German military ammunition camp, perched atop a metal stem like an oversized stalk of wheat, giant blades...

Helping to Deliver Egypt’s Renewable Energy Vision

Egypt has set ambitious targets for the roll-out and expansion of renewable generation and transmission infrastructure over the next few years. And ABB is in an excellent position to help the country...

Here Is Why Google Is Buying a Crazy Amount of Clean Energy

Google just closed on a deal to buy a significant amount of clean energy from two new wind farms that will be built in Norway and Sweden to help power its data...

UK Should ‘Shut down all Coal Power Plants Two Years before 2025 Pledge’

The UK should close all its coal-fired power stations two years earlier than the government’s pledge of 2025, according to green Conservatives including former energy minister Lord Greg Barker. The move would not...

Number 3 – May 2016

Investments in environmental projects, especially in pollute the environment clean, environmentally friendly technologies represent with their operation. priorities that have been identified in the Republic Investors undertake of Serbia’s strategic documents, such...

UK’s proposed nuclear plant is one of the costliest things on Earth

Nuclear power has been around for decades, but it still isn't cheap... in fact, it may result in one of the most expensive objects on the planet. Cost estimates for the UK's...

EPS and KfW together to green energy, Arne Gooss, director of KfW bank in Serbia

For us, EPS is an important partner within our cooperation with Serbia. ЕPS is definitively on the right track to improve its future performance on market bases. The German development bank (KfW)...

Malta investing in Montenegro Energy Sector

Investment in the wind farm at Možura hill is a first step of possible cooperation between Montenegro and Malta in energy sector, prime minister Milo Đukanović said, adding he is sure that...

Uruguay makes dramatic shift to nearly 95% of electricity from clean energy

In less than 10 years the country has slashed its carbon footprint and lowered electricity costs, without government subsidies. Delegates at the Paris summit can learn much from its success. Renewables now...


ProjectsSince the establishment of the Energy Portal, we have tried to provide investors with all the information necessary for the successful implementation of projects in the fields of renewable energy sources and...

Australia is Building the World’s Largest Solar Area

The world's largest solar area project, named the Australia-Asia Power Link, will power three million households and is located in the Northern Territory of this continent. The project has already received the...

EU Tightens Measures on Industrial Emissions

The European Union has made significant progress in its environmental protection policy by updating the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED), which comes into effect on August 4, 2024, and has evolved into the...

Sand and Dust Storms are More Intense and Frequent, Threatening Agriculture and Communities

Sand and dust storms (SDS) have increased dramatically in intensity and frequency in recent years, especially in some regions, highlighting how the phenomenon damages crops and livestock, worsens desertification, and causes health...



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