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The Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources from 2021 prescribes that the prosumer produces electricity for his own needs and delivers the excess electricity produced to the transmission (distribution) system,...

Number 26 – September 2022

Dear readers,Imagine that one cloudy afternoon around five, you unlock the door of your apartment, a cold and dark space is in front of you, and you press the buttons in a...


The reference event in Italy, Africa and in the Mediterranean region dedicated to technologies, services and integrated solutions for energy efficiency and renewable energies, returns to the Rimini Expo Centre with a...


LoansPROCREDIT BANKProCredit Bank is a development-oriented commercial bank offering excellent customer service to small and medium enterprises and private individuals, with particularly favorable conditions for investing in improving energy efficiency, renewable energy...

Energy Efficiency and Renewables are Instrumental for Countries in the Greater Horn of Africa to Provide Energy for all

Energy infrastructure in the greater Horn of Africa has struggled to keep pace with a fast-growing population, creating a formidable hurdle for the region’s buoyant economies that can best be overcome through...

Serbia on the Path of Green Transition

The most important step that lies ahead for Serbia in order to become a European Union member is the transfer of the regulations of this political and economic community to the national...

Elnos Group: Future is now

Dreaming big in business and making those dreams come true requires a lot of courage and hard work in real, everyday life. Every success story has a unique formula. However, those coming...

Heat Pumps – A Safe Solution for Savings

Whether you heat your home with electricity, wood, or gas, or you have central heating, the market situation is so uncertain that you can’t even assume how much heating will cost you...

The Clean Energy Economy is Gaining Ground, But Greater Efforts are Needed now to Get on Track for Net Zero by 2050

Despite encouraging signs of progress across a number of sectors, stronger efforts are needed to bring the world on track to reach net zero emissions by mid-century, according to the IEA’s latest...

Modernisation of Heating Plants for More Efficient Heating, Better Air Quality

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic signed memorandums of understanding in Kragujevac, within the framework of the project "Renewable energy sources of districts in Serbia", with the...

EBRD Loans USD 100 Million to Boost Renewables in Turkey

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is extending up to USD 100 million in financing to Adnan Polat Enerji Yatirimi A.S. (APEY) as part of a financing package jointly provided...

Mihajlovic: We need solidarity, recommendations can bring savings of 15 percent

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Mining and Energy, prof. Zorana Mihajlovic, Ph.D said that the recommendations proposed by the Ministry to reduce the consumption of electricity and heat can provide savings...

A new cheaper type of non-flammable battery has been developed

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed a new, cheaper type of battery as an alternative to lithium-ion batteries, which are still very expensive. The new batteries are made...

ABB and Hydrogen Optimized Expand Hydrogen Partnership, Including a Strategic Investment

ABB and Hydrogen Optimized Inc. (HOI), the Canadian technology innovator unlocking green hydrogen production at scale, have signed an agreement to expand the companies’ existing strategic relationship. This includes an investment by...

Elnos Group – Innovation and Boldness are the Key to Success in the RES Field

The expansion of projects that will bring clean and rich sources of renewable energy is reaching incredible levels, and every green kilowatt on the market is worth its weight in gold. One...

Schneider Electric is a Leader in Digitalization of Electric Energy

The need for decarbonization and reducing greenhouse gas emission has reached its peak and the important part of the entire process lies in electromobility and efforts to reduce pollution produced by the...



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