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Report: 1/4 of World’s Oil Refineries Face Closure by 2035 if Greenhouse Gas Emissions Targets Are Met

Roughly a quarter of the world’s oil refineries face closure by 2035 if governments around the world manage to actually meet their current greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, according to a new...

Regreening The Earth Could Lower Carbon Levels As Much As Ending Use Of Fossil Fuels

There’s a new study out spearheaded by The Nature Conservancy and published in the Proceedings Of The National Academy of Sciences which presents a series of 20 steps that can be taken...

What Can Carbon Dioxide Levels 50 Million Years Ago Tell Us About Climate Change Today?

Scientists at Dartmouth College engage in climate change research have found a way to determine what the carbon dioxide level was in the Earth’s atmosphere during the early Eocene period that began...

New Study Finds Methane Emissions from Cows 11% Higher

Actual global methane emissions from livestock are much higher than previous estimates and could help account for the dramatic upswing in methane emissions over recent years, according to new research. A study published...

High Risk That Temperatures Could Exceed Thermal Survival Limits for Many Fish Species by 2070, Study Finds

Anthropogenic climate warming could lead to water temperatures in some parts of the world exceeding the thermal survival limits of the fish species living there now, according to new research from the...

Norway’s Arctic Oil & Gas Exploration Plans Stand In The Way Of Achieving Paris Climate Goals, Report Argues

While Norway has something of a reputation internationally as being “progressive” and “green,” the country’s well fed economy and society is largely the result of a highly productive fossil fuel extraction industry. In...

Planet has Just 5% Chance of Reaching Paris Climate Goal, Study Says

There is only a five per cent chance that the Earth will avoid warming by at least 2C come the end of the century, according to new research that paints a sobering...

100 Multinationals Commit to 100 Per Cent Renewable Power

The RE100 initiative has confirmed that over 100 multinationals have now committed to sourcing 100 per cent renewable power, after AkzoNobel, AXA, Burberry, and Carlsberg today became the latest high profile brands...

Study: Climate Change To Wipe Out Half Of Ethiopia’s Coffee-Growing Area

The birthplace of coffee, Ethiopia, is likely to lose up to half of its total coffee-growing area by the end of the century as a result of anthropogenic climate change and its...

Canada Is Now 1.7 Degrees Warmer Than In 1948

Average global temperatures keep rising. While 2016 is the warmest year on record, the previous record was set in 2015 and, before that, 2014. A new joint report from Health Canada and...

IEA: World Can Reach ‘Net Zero’ Emissions by 2060 to Meet Paris Climate Goals

Global emissions can be pushed down to "net zero" by 2060 to meet the climate goals of the Paris agreement, said the International Energy Agency (IEA). For the first time, the 29-member intergovernmental...

M&S Targets Zero Waste and 90 Per Cent CO2 Cut in New ‘Plan A 2025’

Marks & Spencer unveiled a raft of ambitious zero waste and CO2 reduction targets across its business and supply chains with the launch of its new Plan A 2025 sustainability programme today. Under...

Report: All Buildings Must Be Zero-Carbon by 2050 to Hit Climate Targets

The global building industry must prepare for a seismic shift towards low-carbon if the world is to meet global climate targets to keep temperatures at safe levels, a new study released today...

NASA Finds New, Frightening Way Glaciers Are Melting in Greenland (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

Scientists have had their eyes on Greenland as its iconic glaciers have begun disappearing due to a warming climate. But, what they didn't expect to see was a whole new type of...

Tesco Pledges to go 100 Per Cent Renewable Powered by 2030

Tesco has become the latest high profile name to join the growing list of major corporations pledging to source 100 per cent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2030 as part...

Mayors Take Bold Step Toward 100% Clean Energy

Mayors from across the nation joined with the Sierra Club's Ready for 100 campaign Wednesday to announce a new effort to engage and recruit mayors to endorse a goal of transitioning to...



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