Search results for: greenhouse gas emissions

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GIZ Accredited by Green Climate Fund

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has been accredited as an implementing organisation by the Green Climate Fund. GIZ can now apply for financing from the fund for projects with...

Western Australia Must Embrace Dawn of Renewable Energy Era or Risk Being Left Behind

Last year the world’s governments finally got their act together on climate change, agreeing to limit global warming to well under two degrees. To meet this commitment, we need a rapid global...

Victorian Government to Boost Solar Energy Tariffs from July 2017

Victorians with solar panels will be compensated for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in a planned reward scheme set to increase power costs for other households. Tens of thousands of rooftop solar homes on...

Climate-Friendly Transport in Chinese Cities

Traffic in China’s cities is steadily increasing. GIZ is advising the country on how to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and make the transport sector more climate friendly. Climate change mitigation is a major...

U.S. Energy Shakeup Continues as Solar Capacity Triples

Solar power capacity in the U.S. will have nearly tripled in size in less than three years by 2017 amid an energy shakeup that has seen natural gas solidify its position as...

COP22: from Paris to Marrakesh

After close to 200 countries signed up to a historic Climate Agreement in Paris at the end of 2015, the focus this year is firmly on the follow-up meeting in Marrakesh, Morocco...

Park City, Utah Commits to 100% Renewable Energy

Park City, Utah is on the front lines of global warming as it grapples with decreasing snowfall and a shorter winter season that traditionally draws thousands of skiers and snowboarders from around...

World Energy Council Notes Key Role of Nuclear Power

Unexpectedly high growth in the renewable energy market, in terms of investment, new capacity and high growth rates in developing countries have contributed to a change in the energy landscape, the latest...

Coffee Producers in Costa Rica Use Science to Tackle Climate Change

The report “A Brewing Storm”, released on Aug. 29 by the Climate Institute of Australia, warned that the main coffee producing countries will face difficulties such as the proliferation of plant diseases...

DOE Charts Show Why Climate Doom and Gloom Isn’t Needed

A new report from the US Department of Energy paints a bright picture for our prospects to cut carbon pollution and prevent the most dangerous levels of climate change. The report looked...

Electric Vehicles Will Help the Shift Toward EU’s Green Transport Future

A large scale roll-out of electric cars on European roads would result in significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions and lower levels of certain air pollutants, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA)...

Reykjavík: the Geothermal City that aims to Go Carbon Neutral

Icelandic capital plans to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2040 by reversing urban sprawl and promoting walking, cycling and public transport. Reykjavík used to be marketed as a place of...

To Avoid the Worst Climate Impacts, Obama Tells Leo DiCaprio, ‘We’re Really in a Race Against Time’

Capping a day-long futurist fair and alternative music fest on the South Lawn of the White House on Monday, President Obama told actor Leonardo DiCaprio and atmospheric scientist Katharine Hayhoe “we’re really...

IEA Encourages Turkey to Deepen Energy Market Reforms

Since the last IEA in-depth review in 2009, Turkey has made significant progress in reforming its energy sector. Completing the reforms will allow Turkey to tap into its renewable and energy efficiency...

Bangalore’s Airport to Become a Leader in Solar Energy Production

Bangalore’s Kempegowda International Airport plans to become the largest solar-producing airport in India, aiming to generate 14.6 MW of solar power. The airport announced in December that it will source 40 percent...

Obama power plant rules face key test in U.S. court

The centerpiece of President Barack Obama's climate change strategy, federal rules curbing greenhouse gas emissions mainly from coal-fired power plants, faces a key test on Tuesday when opponents try to convince a...



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