Search results for:wind europe

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Report: UK Firms Tapping £290bn Global Renewables Market

UK renewable energy firms are consistently signing multi-million pound export contracts, securing themselves a foothold in a fast-expanding global market worth $290bn a year. That is the conclusion of a new study from...

Survey: Renewable Energy Ranks as One of the Most Disruptive Forces in Global Energy

Renewable energy and energy efficiency programmes are top priorities for energy executives around the world, as the world presses ahead with efforts to decarbonise energy systems, according to the latest World Energy...

Northern Irish Energy Storage Cave Project Secures €90m Grant

The UK may be on its way out of the EU, but for the next two years it remains an EU member and eligible for EU clean tech funding. As such, an innovative...

Poland Could Derive up to 30% of its Heating from Geothermal Resources

Poland has large untapped potential for utilising geothermal energy. The country estimates that up to 30% of its heating demand could be covered by geothermal heating. According to estimates, geothermal resources in Poland....

US Scientists Launch World’s Biggest Solar Geoengineering Study

US scientists are set to send aerosol injections 20km up into the earth's stratosphere in the world's biggest solar geoengineering programme to date, to study the potential of a future tech-fix for...

UK Climate Targets ‘Will Raise Household Energy Bills by £100 in a Decade’

The cost of supporting new windfarms and nuclear power stations to meet the UK’s carbon targets will add nearly £100 to the average household energy bill by the end of the next...

‘Airpocalypse’ Smog Events in China Linked to Melting Ice Cap, Research Reveals

Climate change played a major role in the extreme air pollution events suffered recently by China and is likely to make such "airpocalypses" more common, new research has revealed. The fast-melting ice in...

Engie, Schneider Eye Digital Path

Engie and Schneider Electric have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to explore and deploy digital technology to help improve the operational efficiency of renewable assets, such as wind and solar. The companies...

Government ‘Clean Coal’ Push Would Be Likely to Make Australia’s Emissions Worse

The government has indicated it will act to allow the Clean Energy Finance Corporation to finance new coal-fired power plants on the basis that these coal plants have lower emissions than existing...

How Norway Is Leading the Way in Making the Planet Greener

From being a UNESCO World Heritage Site to boasting the razor sharp peaks of the Lofoten Islands and emerald green fjords, it is easy to see why Norway is one of the...

Ireland all Ears on Green Plans

Dublin has launched a public consultation on a new national planning framework that will include canvassing public attitudes to the further deployment of renewable energy. The government is seeking views on the development...

EU Hails Clean Energy ‘Year of Delivery’

The European Union is on track to meet its renewable energy, energy efficiency, and greenhouse gas emission targets for 2020 following a 'year of delivery' across the renewables sector, according to a...

Coal Demand Growth to Stall as Appetite Wanes, According to IEA

BEIJING — Growth in global coal demand will stall over the next five years as the appetite for the fuel wanes and other energy sources gain ground, according to the latest coal...

First Agreements Signed for Uranium Mining Legacy Fund

The EBRD’s latest nuclear safety fund is making progress. Framework agreements have been signed with the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan which will provide the legal basis for implementation of projects in these...

Scotland Sets Ambitious Goal of 66% Emissions Cut within 15 Years

Scotland is seeking to dramatically cut its reliance on fossil fuels for cars, energy and homes after setting a radical target to cut total climate emissions by 66% within 15 years. In one...

Spain Announces Tender for 3 GW of Renewables

Spain’s government has announced it will launch a technology neutral auction for 3 GW of renewable energy capacity at the start of this year. The announcement came from energy minister Alvaro Nadal...



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