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Iran to build three power plants in Kazakhstan

Iran, Kazakhstan sign deal to construct 3 power plants - 2 wind plants and 1 thermal plant in Kazakhstan's Caspian Sea Coast. Tehran and Astana have signed a contract worth $600 million...

Renewable energy increased in 2015

Renewable generation capacity increased by 152 gigawatts (GW) or 8.3% during 2015, the highest annual growth rate on record, according to  new data released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Renewable...

IEA and Thailand launch Thailand Energy Information Centre in Bangkok

The International Energy Agency (IEA) and Thailand today launched a centre to consolidate high-quality, accurate and comprehensive energy information. Thailand’s Vice Minister of Energy, Nattipon Kanokchot, and IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol...

Decoupling of global emissions and economic growth confirmed

IEA analysis shows energy-related emissions of CO2 stalled for the second year in a row as renewable energy surged. Global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) – the largest source of man-made greenhouse...

China’s new 5-year plan is out, and it doesn’t sacrifice the environment for the economy

On Wednesday, Chinese lawmakers approved the country’s 13th Five-Year Plan, the high-level document that will guide policymaking through 2020, including the country’s approach to climate and energy policy. As the world’s second-largest...

Earth Hour shines a light on climate action

This Earth Hour, Saturday, 19 March 2016 8:30 p.m. local time, as the world’s most iconic landmarks prepare to switch off their lights, supporters will be invited to take a stand for...

India introduces car sales tax to combat pollution

India has introduced a new tax on car sales aimed at helping fight high levels of air pollution and congestion. The surprise move, announced by the finance minister, Arun Jaitley, is a...

Paris climate deal could ‘displace millions of forest dwellers’

The Paris climate agreement could make millions of forest dwellers homeless, according to a new analysis. Many developing countries will try to curb carbon emissions by setting aside forested areas as reserves....

The world’s largest floating solar power plant is being built in Japan

As solar power becomes a bigger and bigger part of the overall energy landscape, engineers around the world are busy working out how to build plants that are large and efficient enough...

IEA releases Oil Market Report for January

Exceptionally mild temperatures in the early part of the winter in Japan, Europe and the United States – alongside weak economic sentiment in China, Brazil, Russia and other commodity-dependent economies – saw...

Britain abandons onshore wind just as new technology makes it cheap

Vestas chief Runevad says UK rules shut out the latest hi-tech turbines, leaving Britain behind as the global wind boom spreads. The world’s biggest producer of wind turbines has accused Britain of...

China to Halt New Coal Mine Approvals Amid Pollution Fight

China will stop approving new coal mines for the next three years and continue to trim production capacity as the world’s biggest energy consumer tries to shift away from the fuel as...

Global coal demand stalls after more than a decade of relentless growth

Following more than a decade of aggressive growth, global coal demand has stalled, the International Energy Agency said Friday in its annual coal market report. The report sharply lowered its five-year global...



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