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Swiss Voters Back Nuclear Phase Out and Renewables Surge

Swiss voters have approved a major new energy reform package, which will see the country phase out nuclear power and deliver a surge in renewables capacity. Final figures from Sunday's referendum on the...

These Two Words Can Solve the Climate Crisis

If you want to see a solution to the climate crisis in your lifetime, they might be the two most important words you hear this year: carbon pricing. Sure, the crisis is a...

Australia leaps up global renewable energy investment rankings

Australia has leaped up the rankings of the most attractive countries for renewable energy investment, thanks to the record sums of more than $7.5 billion committed to large-scale wind and solar, not...

France Preps 17GW Renewables Surge, as German Records Tumble

Just days before he secured his overwhelming victory in France's presidential election, President-Elect Emmanuel Macron's plans to double France's wind and solar capacity by 2022 received a major boost. Late last week the...

KfW Has Been Implementing the Protection of Climate Conditions and Environmental Improvement since 1984

The German Development Bank (KfW) is financially helping Serbia. The investments of KfW bank have reached the level of around 1,711 billion euros, including 887 million euros for the energy sector. These...

In 10 Years, Wind Energy May Be Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels

Breaking news has surfaced in the world of renewable energy sources. In the U.S. alone, a new wind turbine is completed every 2.4 hours, and, in 2016, 5.6 percent of all electricity...

Germany Breaks Record: 85% of Energy Comes From Renewables Last Weekend

Germany's "Energiewende"—the country's low-carbon energy revolution—turned another successful corner last weekend when renewable energy sources nearly stamped out coal and nuclear. Thanks to a particularly breezy and sunny Sunday, renewables such as wind...

DUBRAVKA NEGRE: We Have Invested about 150 Million Euros in Serbia so far

According to all indicators, 2015 was a record year for the EIB investments in climate projects with a total amount exceeding 20 billion euros. In all documents or interactive portals of the...

Scientists Say Only 10 Years Left to Save the Planet

The planet, as we know it, has been given a deadline: 10 years. According to the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, if humans don't reduce greenhouse gas emissions drastically and maintain...

5 Ways China Is Becoming the Global Leader on Climate Change

Last week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief Scott Pruitt called the Paris agreement a "bad deal." He claimed China has made no significant efforts to curb carbon pollution, while the...

Why Cities are Outpacing Countries in the Race to Curb Climate Change

Cities from Oslo to Sydney are setting goals to curb climate change that exceed national targets, causing tensions with central governments about who controls policy over green energy and transport and construction. More...

El Salvador Signs Contracts for Four PV Projects at $51.48/MWh

El Salvador’s power distributors have this week signed contracts for the winning projects in the country’s renewable energy auction, which was held by the government in January. Among the projects are four...

Poland Could Derive up to 30% of its Heating from Geothermal Resources

Poland has large untapped potential for utilising geothermal energy. The country estimates that up to 30% of its heating demand could be covered by geothermal heating. According to estimates, geothermal resources in Poland....

World Abandoning Coal in Dramatic Style Raises Hope of Avoiding Dangerous Global Warming, Says Report

As Donald Trump pledges to put coal miners back to work in the United States, the rest of the world appears to have suddenly started moving in the opposite direction, abandoning the...

Thailand-Based B.Grimm Group Developing Hydropower Projects in Laos

B.Grimm Power Co., a unit of Bangkok, Thailand-based B.Grimm Group, in conjunction with its partners, plans to continue developing hydropower plants in Laos, according to an announcement on March 17. Preeyanart Soontornwata, president...

First Utility-Scale Project on Tribal Lands to Power 100,000 Homes

First Solar held a commissioning event last week on a 250-megawatt solar facility on the Moapa River Indian Reservation. This is the first utility-scale solar project on tribal lands. Morgan Stanley put together...



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