Search results for:united states

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A New Declaration to Help Save our Oceans

Last week, world leaders adopted a landmark declaration at the United Nations’ Ocean Conference in Lisbon to scale up science-based and innovative actions and address the ocean emergency of habitat loss, ocean...

Inside The Push To Eliminate Lead From Paint

While many use paint to cover the blemishes on their walls, each coat they apply could end up leaving a stain on the planet. Despite legally binding controls in 87 countries, lead...

The Interlinked Threats Facing Lakes and Why we Need to Protect Them

Across the world, lakes fed by rivers, glacial melt, groundwater and rain have played an important role in human civilization and development. They contain 90 percent of the fresh water on the...

Europe Day

Europe Day commemorates the signing of the “Schuman Declaration” on 9 May 1950. An ambitious plan to secure long-term peace in post-war Europe that is considered the beginning of what is now...

Record Heat Sends Sea Ice Into Retreat, Worrying Scientists

The recent collapse of a 1,100km2 ice shelf in Antarctica came at a time of record high temperatures and is a symptom of a planet in a climate crisis, experts say.   The...

New Report: Is the Solution to Water Crises Hiding Right Under Our Feet?

Groundwater accounts for 99 percent of all liquid freshwater on Earth. However, this natural resource is often poorly understood and consequently undervalued, mismanaged and even abused. According to the latest edition of...

​Early Warning Systems Must Protect Everyone Within Five Years

Within the next five years, everyone on Earth should be protected by early warning systems against increasingly extreme weather and climate change, according to an ambitious new United Nations target announced today. UN...

Economic Losses From Weather and Climate-Related Extremes in Europe Reached Around Half a Trillion Euros Over Past 40 years

Around 3 percent of all such events were responsible for 60 percent of the losses according to the EEA briefing. Economic losses and fatalities from weather- and climate-related events in Europe, which together...

Why Children and Youth Hold the Key to a Sustainable Future

In a world where climate change-induced environmental emergencies, such as floods, extreme temperatures and fires, are increasingly becoming the norm, the future can often look uncertain. This future is particularly uncertain for...

Energy Community Summer School: Applications for 2022 now open!

The Energy Community Secretariat is pleased to launch the call for applications for the 2022 Energy Community Summer School. The Summer School offers a unique opportunity for up to 48 postgraduate students...

Landmark UN Resolution Confirms Healthy Environment is a Human Right

Nemonte Nenquimo, a member of the Waorani indigenous community in Ecuador says she is of “warrior blood." Her weapon of choice has been an unusual one: the lawsuit. In 2019, under Nenquimo’s leadership,...

EBRD Launches Energy Compact for its Urban Sustainability Programme

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is launching its own Energy Compact to support the energy transition, focussed on investments within its flagship urban sustainability programme, EBRD Green Cities. The...

Floating Solar Plus Wave Energy Smackdown For Fossil Fuels

Everybody is talking about a new EU clean power project that pairs floating solar with offshore wind turbines, but they’re missing half the story. Wave energy is also part of the project. The...

How Countries Are Turning the Tide on Marine Plastic Pollution

More and more countries are joining the Clean Seas campaign to fight against marine litter and plastic pollution. Over 60 countries - both coastal and landlocked - have signed up to this...

Sharp Decrease in CO2 Emissions of New Cars in 2020

The European Environment Agency (EEA) has published its provisional data about the emissions of newly registered passenger cars and vans in Europe in 2020. For cars, the data show a 12 percent...

The Missing Piece of the Puzzle: Shar Mountain National Park Approved

The creation of Shar Mountain National Park in North Macedonia means the final puzzle piece for one of the largest transboundary protected areas in Europe is now in place. With the approval...



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