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Energy and Air Pollution 2016 – World Energy Outlook Special Report

Clean air is vital for good health. Yet despite growing recognition of this imperative, the problem of air pollution is far from solved in many countries, and the global health impacts risk...

JSC Chepetsk Mechanical Plant became the diploma winner at the international industrial forum MMMM-2016 in India

Calcic injection wire for external steel treatment and titanic roll of production of Chepetsk Mechanical Plant (included into Fuel company of ROSATOM TVEL) became the diploma winner at the international industrial forum...

World’s Largest Development Banks Raise $81Bln to Tackle Climate Change

Six of the world’s largest multilateral development banks (MDBs) rounded up $81 billion last year to finance climate change action, their joint report released Tuesday showed. "In 2015, the MDBs collectively committed more...

IEA data shows global energy production and consumption continue to rise

Reflecting the IEA’s increasingly global perspective, for the first time the Agency’s OECD and non-OECD Energy Balances and Statistics reports have been merged into two comprehensive global reports on energy data. World...

New Global Survey Shows E-government Emerging as a Powerful Tool for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

The United Kingdom, followed by  Australia and the Republic of Korea, lead the world in providing government services and information through the Internet, according to a new survey released on 1st August...

Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Hindu Kush Himalayan Region under Development

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), with financial support from the Austrian Development Agency, are preparing to establish a Himalayan Centre for...

Solar Impulse Proves Innovation, Technology and Pioneering Mindset Can Address Global Challenges

Solar Impulse has made history by completing the first ever round-the-world flight powered only by energy from the sun. The plane landed at its starting point in Abu Dhabi at 04:05 am...

Climate Change: Cities are Key to Cutting Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The heat that saw forest fires sweep through Uttarakhand and damage the already fragile ecosystem of the Himalayas… the heat spikes that caused deaths in Rajasthan and Bihar… the drought that put...

Small Increase in Energy Investment Could Cut Premature Deaths from Air Pollution in Half by 2040

Each year an estimated 6.5 million deaths are linked to air pollution with the number set to increase significantly in coming decades unless the energy sector takes greater action to curb emissions....

More than 8 Million People Were Employed Worldwide in the Renewable Sector

A boom in solar and wind power jobs in the US led the way to a global increase in renewable energy employment to more than 8 million people in 2015, according to...

Solar Power Boosts Food Production & Fights Poverty

We all know that solar power offers myriad health and environmental benefits over traditional energy sources — including reduced emissions and improved air quality — but the social benefits it offers are...

Environment and Security Initiative’s Support Towards Sustainable Development Goals and Green Economy in Focus of OSCE

The Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC) stakeholders discussed on 9th June  in Batumi how the Initiative can contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and transition to green...

Solar Impulse 2 Begins Transatlantic Stretch of Global Journey

The sun-powered Solar Impulse 2 aircraft set off from New York’s JFK airport early on Monday, embarking on the transatlantic leg of its record-breaking flight around the world to promote renewable energy. The...

ABB Inaugurates Microgrid in South Africa, Boosting Renewables and Power Reliability

ABB today commissioned an integrated solar-diesel microgrid installation at its 96,000 square meter Longmeadow facility in Johannesburg, South Africa. This is a world premiere for the innovative solution with fully grid-connected and...

ABB Electric Propulsion System

ABB today announced the total fuel savings of the entire installed Azipod fleet since being launched is estimated to be more than 700,000 tons. Assuming the average family car uses one ton...

ABB Electric Propulsion System Saved over 700,000 Tons of Fuel for Marine Vessels so far

Zurich, Switzerland, May 24, 2016 – ABB’s environmental friendly Azipod propulsion system brings greater fuel efficiency to diverse shipping segments. ABB today announced the total fuel savings of the entire installed Azipod fleet...



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