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Green, Green Grass of Sombor

It is not just the hackberries and yew trees that are the green symbol of Sombor given that the environmental standards and clean technology are also being more and more applied in...

Siemens Gamesa Launches 14 MW Offshore Direct Drive Turbine with 222-Meter Rotor

The winds of change have never been stronger, especially when it comes to meeting the world’s needs for clean, renewable energy. Siemens Gamesa’s new SG 14-222 DD offshore Direct Drive wind turbine...

Multi-Purpose Enamelled Tanks of Excellent Resistance

Having heard that one company was established in 1828 and that 85 per cent of their products are exported worldwide, these are the credible facts. The company we talk about is Witkowitz,...

As the Health Crisis Hammers the Auto Industry, Electric Cars Remain a Bright Spot

Beyond the immediate impact on health, the Covid-19 pandemic is causing a major shock to the global economy. Electric cars – a key element of transitions to cleaner energy – are being...

Staying the Course on Clean Transport Fuels in Latin America

Modern bioenergy is an often-overlooked giant among renewable energy sources, accounting for half of the world’s renewable energy consumption. Biofuels are by far the largest source of clean transport fuels, with almost...

Harnessing Tech to Employ Last-Mile Tree Planters in a COVID-19 World

The year 2020 started with such optimism and hope for nature-based solutions and environmental sustainability.Environmental, social and governance investments were high on the agenda at Davos; the World Economic Forum launched the 1...

A New Smart and Safe Way to Monitor Powertrain Equipment in Hazardous Areas

Operators can carry out remote real-time health checks on powertrain equipment in hazardous areas with ABB Ability™ Smart Sensors that offer improved analytics, functionality and communications. ABB will launch its Smart Sensor for...

Mobility for Africa Shows How Electric Vehicles Can Transform Lives Where It Matters Most

A lot of startups pop up from time to time with the “Next Big Thing” or the next big service offering in EVs. Most of the time they will be hyping some...

Can Electricity Decarbonize the Energy Sector?

The energy sector currently accounts for two-thirds of global carbon emissions; Expedited progress on energy efficiency and low-carbon sources in the energy mix is required to achieve deep decarbonization; As the...

Renewable Energy Can Support Resilient and Equitable Recovery

Advancing the renewables-based energy transformation is an opportunity to meet international climate goals while boosting economic growth, creating millions of jobs and improving human welfare by 2050, finds the first Global Renewables...

Knowledge From Sarajevo Becomes the Development Potential of the Region

About 300 km from Belgrade, there is one city which I love a lot. Sarajevo is located on the coast of the Miljacka – which would perform a miracle indeed if it...

Initiative in Indjija

Life in a local community can be much better if it fosters a collective spirit and turns criticism into action, as eight students from Indjija demonstrated by founding the Association Indjijativa. For...

Waste Glass in a Whole New Ballgame

Recycling raw materials mostly have limited use, especially when it comes to glass. Although it is generally thought that new glass products, which are of the same structure (such as jars, bottles,...

London-Based E-Bike Passenger and Cargo Service Provider Added Home Delivery

The home delivery market worldwide has been given a boost as many nations have implemented a range of movement restrictions ranging from issuing strong social distancing guidelines to stay-at-home orders to full...

All for One, CEEFOR for All

The company  CEEFOR was founded in 2010 in Belgrade. At their disposal, customers have a diverse team of more than 20 professionals with many years of work experience - from mechanical, electrical and...

3D-Printed Coral Mimics Nature

Most of us have heard that coral reefs around the world are dying, largely because of warmer ocean temperatures and the increased acidity of seawater, but few people realize why that is...



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