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Urgent Action Needed for the Energy Transition in Heating and Cooling

The transition to cleaner, more sustainable heating and cooling solutions can attract investment, create millions of new jobs and help to drive a durable economic recovery in the wake of the global...

What Is Servitisation, and How Can It Help Save the Planet?

The rising global population and continuous economic growth are driving an increasing demand for energy. Global energy consumption is expected to nearly double by the year 2050, further enhancing the challenge to...

EBRD and EU Advance Honey Producer’s Development in Moldova

Nestled in the picturesque village of Costești, Moldova, Regina Naturii manufactures and trades jars of delicious natural delicacies. The honey producer may well have borrowed its work ethic from industrious bees in...

Marked Improvement in Europe’s Air Quality Over Past Decade

The EEA’s ‘Air quality in Europe — 2020 report’ shows that six Member States exceeded the European Union's limit value for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in 2018: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Italy, Poland,...

How to Turn Industrial Carbon Emissions Into Building Materials

When Sophia Hamblin Wang flew to Davos, Switzerland, in January 2020, swathes of her home country, Australia, was on fire."So many of my communities were affected in profound ways. We could feel...

Still Insufficient Progress in Making Transport Fuels More Climate Friendly

The European Union is behind its objective to reduce the greenhouse gas emission intensity of fuels sold for road transport to 6 percent below 2010 levels, as set out in the EU’s...

New Electric School Buses In Virginia & Massachusetts

We will cover basically every electric school bus story that comes across our desk, because it is that important for schools — shuttling around many of our youngest, most vulnerable kids —...

Tripling Renewables Investment to Reach Climate Goal

Global renewable energy investment increased between 2013 and 2018, reaching its peak at USD 351 billion in 2017, according to a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and Climate...

Four Lessons From Nature to Build a Circular Economy

The circular economy is one of the few disruptive concepts with universal appeal - with business leaders, investors, activists, economists and environmentalists. While gaining in popularity, the concepts of circularity have been...

How WHO is Working to Track Down the Animal Reservoir of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus

The introduction of a new virus to the human population is one of the greatest mysteries an epidemiologist can hope to unravel. Some of the most common and deadliest human diseases are caused...

Global Food Prices Continue Rising in October

Global food prices continued rising for the fifth consecutive month in October, led by cereals, sugar, dairy and vegetable oils, according to a new report from the Food and Agriculture Organization of...

Here’s Why the Business of Sustainability Has Come of Age

In 2019, impact investing was a $715 billion global market. Looking beyond the pure financial heft of the market, the number accurately reflects the growing reality among corporates and investors who are...

Sustainable Cities: Lessons from Nepal and Colombia

Cities have always had to conform to their natural surroundings. Traditional Moroccan housing was designed with open air courtyards to help with ventilation in the dry and hot climate. While in Iceland,...

How to Get Private Capital to Protect Nature – Without Greenwashing

"Innovative finance” is the newest buzzword used to find ways to channel money – especially private money – to nature-based solutions. But bringing nature and private investors together in a sustainable and...

This Initiative Can Give City Trees a Second Life – and Create Jobs

The city is a difficult place for a tree to survive. Compared to their counterparts in the countryside, urban trees generally get less water, suffer more intense heat, compete for space with...

Fao Calls for Stepping up Forest and Landscape Restoration

Efforts to restore the world's degraded forests and landscapes must be scaled up to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, said FAO in a new publication released today. Land and forest...



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