Search results for:solar photovoltaic panel

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Could a New Solar Technology Prove as Groovy as It Sounds?

Could a new solar technology prove as groovy as it sounds?A team of researchers from the University of Sheffield have worked with energy technology firm Power Roll to create an innovative new...

The First Solar Plant Owned by the Citizens in Croatia

Even though the price of solar panels is constantly decreasing, a solar plant is still out of most citizens’ budget. However, what if we split its construction costs with 52 people and...

Dubai Is Busy Embracing Solar Energy

If there’s one resource that Dubai has in abundance, it’s sunshine. Not surprisingly, the city, set in a sun-drenched desert, has set out to exploit that inexhaustible resource for clean energy generation.The...

Solar Power ‘Will Help Europe Avoid Blackouts’

Sun Investment Group says photovoltaic panels can prove highly effective in covering gaps in supply. Solar power will prove an important technology in stopping power outages across Europe in coming years. That’s the verdict from...

When Chucks Meet Solar Power Plant

In case you have bought your pair of Chucks in Serbia or a country in the region, there are high chances that they had found their way to your feet with the...

Chernobyl Goes Solar

Chernobyl in Ukraine is infamous for having been the site of a nuclear disaster in what was then the Soviet Union. For the past 30-odd years, since the catastrophic meltdown at the...

Solar to Become Europe’s Most Competitive Energy by 2030

Solar will become the continent’s most competitive source of energy by 2020.That’s the verdict from Sun Investment Group, which suggests the elimination of the Minimum Import Price (MIP) allowing solar modules to...

More Good News About Coal-Killing Perovskite Solar Cells

US coal and nuclear energy stakeholders are still holding out hope for their aging power plants, but the window for relief is closing fast. They face stiff competition from low-cost natural gas,...

India Advised Against Levying Import Duty On Solar Cells & Modules

The Indian government has been advised by multiple entities not to levy import duties on solar cells and modules. While the Chinese government was the first to caution India against levying anti-dumping or...

Vattenfall Plans €100 Million Investment In Large-Scale Solar

Swedish power company Vattenfall, known most recently for its wind energy development, has announced that it plans to invest €100 million in large-scale solar energy generation over the next two years, as...

College Seeks Investment in Solar Energy

The Federal Government has been urged to invest more in solar energy to meet up with the electricity challenges. At the End of the Year/Graduation of ABITECH Engineering College in Ikorodu, Timothy Obano,...

Siemens Announces Production Of New Solar PV Inverters In India

Siemens AG has announced plans to start manufacturing new solar photovoltaic inverters in India through its Indian arm Siemens India. Siemens India recently launched the Sinacon PV, a new generation 5,000 kVA central...

China on Pace for Record Solar-Power Installations

China, the world’s biggest carbon emitter, is poised to install a record amount of solar-power capacity this year, prompting researchers to boost forecasts as much as 80 percent. About 54 gigawatts will be...

Hive Energy, Wirsol Propose to Build 350-MW UK Solar Farm

UK solar developer Hive Energy confirmed today it will join forces with Wirsol Energy Ltd to develop a 350-MW-plus, subsidy-free solar photovoltaic (PV) project on the north Kent coast in South East...

Yingli Solar Panels Will Help Low Income Villages in China

People assume that the booming economy in China over the past 30 years has made all Chinese citizens wealthy. Nothing could be further from the truth. In Zhangbei County, just 150 miles...

Severe Chinese Air Pollution Cuts Solar Energy Potential As Much As 35%

China is currently on track to install close to 50 GW worth of solar energy in 2017, nearly half of total global demand, but new research from Princeton University has concluded that...



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