Search results for:single use plastic

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Plastics, a growing environmental and climate concern: how can Europe revert that trend?

The challenges posed by plastics are to a large extent due to the fact that our production and consumption systems are not sustainable. The COVID-19 pandemic and climate change have amplified public...

Jamaica: Plastics Ban Creates New Opportunities

Every September, on International Coastal Cleanup Day in Jamaica, plastic is the most collected material. In 2019, the top 10 items collected were all single-use plastic and polystyrene (foam) waste, anything from...

Young Champions of the Earth: Turning Plastics Into Paving in Kenya

A Kenyan entrepreneur is being lauded by the UN for developing a machine that recycles discarded plastic into paving stones for use in construction projects. Nzambi Matee’s invention not only keeps plastic out...

Global Tourism Plastics Initiative Welcomes 26 New Signatories

The Global Tourism Plastics Initiative has welcomed 26 new signatories, including businesses and organizations from every part of the global tourism value chain. Led by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the...

Over 200,000 Tonnes of Plastic Leaking Into the Mediterranean Each Year

A new IUCN report finds that an estimated 229,000 tonnes of plastic are leaking into the Mediterranean Sea every year - equivalent to over 500 shipping containers each day. Unless significant measures...

India’s Youth Take on Plastic Pollution

On the 30th June 2020, 1,900 young people joined together at the Virtual Youth Summit in India to celebrate their completion of the Tide Turners Plastic Challenge in India. The challenge is...

Making Friends With Plastic Trash for a Better Planet

With eight million tonnes of plastic entering the ocean ever year, innovation is critical to find new approaches to waste management, especially as the world looks to build back better after COVID-19. A...

Mexico City, a Megalopolis’ War on Plastic Bags

Paper cones, called “cucuruchos”, have been traditionally used by shoppers in Mexico City for carrying spices and grains. Now these plastic-free alternatives are making a comeback, along with straw baskets and reusable...

Plastic Alternatives May Worsen Marine Pollution, MPs Warn

Compostable and biodegradable plastics could add to marine pollution because there is no infrastructure in place to make sure they break down correctly, a committee of MPs has warned.The use of alternatives...

Supermarkets in Asia Are Now Using Banana Leaves Instead of Plastic Packaging

Supermarkets in Vietnam have adopted an initiative from Thailand that makes use of banana leaves instead of plastic as a packaging alternative. Supermarket in Chiangmai, Thailand earned praise on Facebook for coming up...

Wimbledon Is Cutting Back on Plastic at This Year’s Tournament

Wimbledon is hoping to cut down on the amount of plastic waste generated at this year's tennis championships.One big change is that all of the water bottles sold and given out at...

Vanuatu to Ban Disposable Nappies in Plastics Crackdown: ‘We Had No Choice’

It is but a tiny speck in the Pacific Ocean, but the island state of Vanuatu is leading the global fight against plastic waste. The nation, which has already introduced one of...

McDonald’s Puts the Freeze on McFlurry Plastic Packaging

McDonald’s has announced it is to stop using single-use plastic to package its McFlurry ice creams and salad options.Once the environmentally-friendly change comes into effect in September, the brand expects it will...

Cup Reuse Trial to Take Off at Gatwick Airport

Gatwick Airport, Starbucks and plastic waste charity Hubbub have launched a cup reuse trial across the international airport’s South Terminal.The organisations hope to tackle single-use plastic pollution with the one-month testing period,...

Canada Plans to Ban Wide Range of Plastics by 2021

Canada plans to ban a wide range of single-use plastics by 2021.The government has not yet ruled on which exact products will disappear from shelves but notes it will work to identify...

Lidl Trials Removal of 9p Plastic Bags in Wales

Lidl is trialling the removal of 9p plastic bags from 54 of its shops in Wales.The brand says it discovered the cheap reusable bags were frequently being used just once before being...



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