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Carbon Tax Would Help U.S. Meet Paris Goals, Study Finds

If the U.S. does decide to stay in the Paris agreement, a study conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has confirmed a policy...

Emissions Must Fall By Mid-Century to Meet Paris Temperature Goals, Study Finds

With the exception of the U.S., every country in the world has now expressed an intention to honor the Paris agreement, which means they have all committed to limiting global warming to...

Donald Trump Says US Could Re-enter Paris Climate Deal

Donald Trump has said the United States could re-enter the Paris climate change agreement – and that he would have taken a “tougher stand” in Brexit negotiations than Theresa May. The US president...

Climate Action Tracker To Develop Paris-Consistent Benchmarks

The Climate Action Tracker, one of the world’s leading climate science advisories, has announced that it is developing a new series of Climate Action Benchmarks that will serve to highlight the level...

Paris: World Bank Will No Longer Finance Oil and Gas Projects Starting from 2019

In a move meant to aid countries reach greenhouse gas-curbing targets set by the 2015 Paris Agreement to limit global warming, the World Bank has announced that it will stop financing oil...

Hotels Must Cut Carbon Footprint by 90 Per Cent to Meet Paris Goals, Industry Leaders Admit

The hotel industry must eliminate 90 per cent of its carbon emissions by 2050 if the sector is to stay within the limits set out under the Paris climate agreement. That is the...

Australia Needs 75% Renewable Electricity By 2030 To Meet Paris Commitments

A new major report has concluded that Australia needs between 66% and 75% renewable energy for electricity generation by 2030 in order to meet its Paris Climate Agreement commitments, or face delaying...

14 States On Track to Meet Paris Targets

Fourteen states and Puerto Rico are on track to meet and potentially exceed their portion of the U.S. commitment under the Paris agreement. The report shows that the member states of the U.S....

Europe Must Triple Offshore Wind Growth Rate To Bring Paris Goals Within Reach

If Europe is to fall in line with the Paris Climate Agreement intention of limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, the region must significantly increase its rate of growth for...

Norway’s Arctic Oil & Gas Exploration Plans Stand In The Way Of Achieving Paris Climate Goals, Report Argues

While Norway has something of a reputation internationally as being “progressive” and “green,” the country’s well fed economy and society is largely the result of a highly productive fossil fuel extraction industry. In...

Planet has Just 5% Chance of Reaching Paris Climate Goal, Study Says

There is only a five per cent chance that the Earth will avoid warming by at least 2C come the end of the century, according to new research that paints a sobering...

IEA: World Can Reach ‘Net Zero’ Emissions by 2060 to Meet Paris Climate Goals

Global emissions can be pushed down to "net zero" by 2060 to meet the climate goals of the Paris agreement, said the International Energy Agency (IEA). For the first time, the 29-member intergovernmental...

KfW First Development Bank to Sign Master Agreement with Green Climate Fund (GCF)

On the occasion of the Green Climate Fund's board meeting, KfW recently  signed a master agreement with the GCF. The complex agreement governs the rights and obligations of the GCF, the accredited...

COP22: from Paris to Marrakesh

After close to 200 countries signed up to a historic Climate Agreement in Paris at the end of 2015, the focus this year is firmly on the follow-up meeting in Marrakesh, Morocco...

EU Ministers call on the EU to live up to its Paris commitments

Many EU Environment Ministers discussing implications of the Paris Agreement for EU climate and energy policies today acknowledged that the EU must ramp up its climate targets in line with the Paris...

Paris climate deal could ‘displace millions of forest dwellers’

The Paris climate agreement could make millions of forest dwellers homeless, according to a new analysis. Many developing countries will try to curb carbon emissions by setting aside forested areas as reserves....



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