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World’s Plastic Nightmare May Never End as China’s Demand Set to Soar

First, the good news. On Wednesday, more than 200 countries signed a United Nations resolution to eliminate plastic pollution in our oceans. Now the bad news. China will stop accepting imports of plastic...

Developers Complete First Block 1,021 Megawatt Miraah Solar Plant For Oman Oilfield

Petroleum Development Oman and GlassPoint Solar announced earlier this month the completion of the first block of one of the world’s largest solar plants, the 1,021 megawatt Miraah solar plant that will...

Report: 1/4 of World’s Oil Refineries Face Closure by 2035 if Greenhouse Gas Emissions Targets Are Met

Roughly a quarter of the world’s oil refineries face closure by 2035 if governments around the world manage to actually meet their current greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, according to a new...

World Can Meet Growing Food Demands and Limit Warming to 1.5°C, Study Says

Agriculture and food production is responsible for around 30 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Slashing the sector's emissions is considered to be key to limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial...

Renewable Energy Can Deliver 25% Of India’s Energy Demand By 2030

A new report from the International Renewable Energy Agency has concluded that India can meet a quarter of its energy demand with renewable energy sources by 2030. The new study published by the...

Palm Oil Free Certification Programme Launches in UK and Australia

A major new certification programme has launched with a view to validating consumer goods products that make no use of palm oil. Unveiled to coincide with this week's World Orang-utan Day, the new...

Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil Reports Surge in New Members

The Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) has this week revealed that efforts to ensure palm oil companies are adhering to environmental best practices have extended their reach in the past year,...

Oil Giants Need to Invest Heavily in Renewables by 2035, Says Analysis

More than a fifth of investment by the largest oil and gas companies could be in wind and solar power in just over a decade, according to analysis of how global changes...

MEPs vote to ban the use of palm oil in biofuels

MEPs have voted overwhelmingly to ban biofuels made from vegetable oils including palm oil by 2020, to prevent the EU’s renewable transport targets from inadvertently contributing to deforestation. A new palm oil regulation,...

The OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report

The OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report covers major issues affecting the world oil market and provides an outlook for crude oil market developments for the coming year. The report provides a detailed...

Saudi Aramco CEO Says Oil Will Dominate over Renewables for Decades

Demand for oil and gas will continue to grow for the next few decades and any fall in capital investment for the industry will cause "spikes" in prices and affect the global...

Oil and Gas Companies in North America Less Green Than Those in EU

Oil and gas companies in North America are lagging behind their European counterparts in cleaning up their operations, new research has found, with higher greenhouse gas emissions and less investment in clean...

1st Meeting of the High-level Committee of the Algiers Accord – OPEC and Non-OPEC Oil Producing Countries

The OPEC High-level Committee, established by the Algiers Accord, met with non-OPEC oil producing countries on Saturday, 29 October, at OPEC headquarters in Vienna.  It was preceded by the first High-Level Committee...

Electric Cars Pose ‘Resoundingly Negative’ Threat to Oil Companies: Analyst Fitch

So far, though, the oil industry hasn't seemed to give plug-in electric cars much attention. ExxonMobil and OPEC have both predicted that, even by 2040, electric cars will make up less than...

Dong Energy Considers Sale of Oil and Gas Assets to Focus on Windfarms

The biggest windfarm operator in the UK is considering selling its oil and gas business, four decades after it was set up to manage Denmark’s North Sea oilfields. Dong Energy, which is majority...

This Massive Farm Grows 15% of Australia’s Tomatoes without Soil, Fresh Water or Fossil Fuels

Did you know there is a way to grow tons of fresh fruits and vegetables with saltwater and solar energy? The good people at SunDrop Farms are doing just that with their...



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