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Decarbonisation ‘Could Leave Fossil-Fuel Economies Stranded’

Global decarbonisation could turn fossil fuel-reliant economies into ‘stranded nations’ unable to unlock the value of carbon-based assets and infrastructure. These are the findings of a new World Economic Forum study, which shows...

Europe ‘Powers Towards Decarbonisation by 2045’

Europe’s power sector could be fully decarbonised by as early as 2045. That’s according to a new study from Eurelectric, which says the region could beat the 2050 targets set out by the...

Vanishing Joshua Trees: Climate Change Will Ravage US National Parks, Study Says

Park lands have warmed twice as fast as the rest of the country. America’s national parks have warmed twice as fast as the US average and could see some of the worst effects...

Danish Brewer Carlsberg to Swap Plastic 6-Pack Rings for Glue

The Danish beer company Carlsberg is doing its part in cutting down plastic waste. The brewing company just vowed to stop using plastic six-pack rings to hold its cans together, instead opting...

Look Out, Meat Industry – Flexitarianism Is on the Rise

With all of the meatless options on the market, it’s not surprising that flexitarianism is on the rise. Unlike vegetarians, who completely exclude meat from their diet, flexitarians simply cut down on...

‘Turning CO2 into Useful Products Such As Concrete Will Incentivise Decarbonisation’

The University of Michigan says removing carbon dioxide from the air must be incentivised by turning the gas into a useful commodity.Its $4.5 million (£3.5m) ‘Global CO2 Initiative’ aims to reduce the...

EU Opens Consultation Regarding Decarbonisation Strategy

The EU has launched a consultation to seek views regarding the development of its long-term emissions reduction strategy. It aims to gather opinions, information and knowledge from interested parties such as citizens, businesses,...

Goran Trivan The Minister of Environmental Protection: We Must Take Care of the Branch We are Sitting on

The term "sustainable development" origins from forestry and in short, it means that a man can cut down as many old trees as he has planted. In an attempt to come up...

European Investment Bank Commits €50 Million To Build 9 Spanish Wind Farms With 300 Megawatts Of Capacity

The European Investment Bank announced on Thursday that it would commit €50 million in loans to finance 9 wind power projects developed by the Spanish firm Forestalia Renovables which will be built...

Northern Ireland: Renewables Industry Calls for Long Term Decarbonisation Strategy

Northern Ireland's renewables industry has today published a new low carbon Energy Strategy and called on the government to adopt a number of new targets to ensure recent progress in deploying renewables...

Siemens Gamesa Awarded Turbine Supply For Four Spanish Wind Farms

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy announced on Monday that it had been awarded the contract to supply wind turbines for four separate wind farms in Spain by developer Gas Natural Fenosa Renovables, for...

Pollution Sources Have Increased More Than 50% In Last 8 Years, China’s Environment Ministry Reports

In relation to a new nationwide survey meant to ascertain the amount of environmental damage done by the last 30 years of rapid growth, China’s environment ministry has revealed that the number...

Finnish Savo-Solar Inks EUR 2 Million Deal with France

Finnish solar thermal systems provider Savo-Solar has signed a final delivery contract with newHeat SAS in France. The contract is for France’s largest solar thermal system. It will be installed in Condat-sur-Vézère and...

Printed Organic Polymer Solar Cells Finally Getting Accessible & Affordable: Danish Startup Ready To Scale Up

Danish tech news magazine Ingeniøren reports today that 18 years of hard work has resulted in the startup infinityPV finally commercializing products with printed solar photovoltaic foil. I had heard about these...

Task Force Echoes Foreign Minister’s Calls to Back Renewables Over Coal, Nuclear

An energy task force advising Japan's foreign minister has proposed boosting renewable energy and shifting away from coal-fired and nuclear power at home, arguing the country's energy policies are outdated and undermine...

Spanish Energy Regulator Rejects Government Push For Coal Power Subsidies

The US is not the only country where powerful coal interests are pressuring the government to give favorable treatment to coal fired electrical generating plants. Spain has a long history of burning...



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