Search results for:nature based solutions

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Climate Anxiety – How Seriously Should it be Taken and How to Deal With it?

Daily media reports bring news of extreme weather conditions, natural disasters, loss of biodiversity as well as growing concerns about food security and numerous other adverse situations facing humanity. The reactions to...

UNEP and Ministry of Environment Sign Agreement to Reinforce Environmental Action in Brazil

In a move to renew and increate collaboration on the propriety issues of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and waste and pollution, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Ministry...

The New Era of Artificial Intelligence – and What it Means for the Data Center Segment

Artificial intelligence is currently the most potent force transforming how we process, analyze, and use data. Predictions say that the artificial intelligence market will reach a whopping $407 billion by 2027. We...

Bioclimatic Architecture as the Basis of Sustainable Construction

If you were to ask me whether bioclimatic architecture is the basis of sustainable construction, I would answer with a resounding “yes“. Bioclimatic architecture does not represent any style or direction in...

Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Development of Croatian Cities

Green spaces in urban areas significantly raise the quality of life in a society undergoing intense urbanization. Constant improvement of green infrastructure contributes to sustainable development and, at the same time, has...

Sustainable Architecture Principles Throughout History and Today

Back in 2017, the United Nations Global Status Report revealed the fact that large-scale pollution came from buildings and the construction sector, supporting it with concrete data. As stated, 36 per cent...

More Bioplastics for Less Microplastics

Plastic pollution leads to various problems, especially for marine animals, which get injured when they get stuck in or swallow a plastic object. There are also warnings that certain plastic products should...

Transition to Renewables Calls for New Approach to Energy Security

The transition away from fossil fuels to renewables requires a new interpretation of the concept of energy security, according to a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) published today. Geopolitics...

MDBs Publish Shared Vision for Circular Economy Finance at WCEF 2024

During the World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) 2024 in Brussels, leading multilateral development banks (MDBs), including the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), presented their Circular Economy Working Group’s shared vision...

Indoor Landscaping – Life of Plants in Artificial Conditions

March is the time when we celebrate wild species, water, forests, and the living world, with the common thread being let’s preserve our nature. Spatial planning, agriculture, and other human activities are...


Continuous research shows that Europe is warming faster than any other continent. The European Environmental Agency (EEA) data indicate that policies and campaigns to adapt to changed climate conditions are not keeping...

Once enough to stain shirt collars, smog is lifting over greater Seoul

Cho Jang-hun remembers a time in the 1990s when it was almost impossible to escape the dirty air from exhaust fumes, coal-fired power plants and massive industrial projects that hung over his...

Towards sustainability: a look ahead to environmental moments in 2024

The year 2024 will be marked by a number of events and observances with important implications for the environment, biodiversity, and global sustainability. From advancing sustainable nitrogen management to fostering inclusive collaboration...

Additional EBRD loan and EU grant for Corridor Vc in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The construction of Corridor Vc, a key infrastructure project in Bosnia and Herzegovina that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) supports, is progressing with new financing from the EBRD, European...

Open Science Conference: We need dramatic climate action to meet unprecedented challenges

Climate change impacts are becoming increasingly severe, posing unprecedented challenges. Dramatic climate action is needed to limit global warming, requiring unprecedented societal transformations to sustain the future of life on Earth, a...


At Microsoft, sustainability is at the heart of the business, and the success of the sustainability concept depends on the company’s entire value chain. Sustainability is a responsibility but also an opportunity....



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