Search results for:marine ecosystems

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Signs and Impacts of Climate Change in Atmosphere, Land and Oceans Are Rising

The tell-tale physical signs of climate change such as increasing land and ocean heat, accelerating sea level rise and melting ice are highlighted in a new report compiled by the World Meteorological...

Mexico City, a Megalopolis’ War on Plastic Bags

Paper cones, called “cucuruchos”, have been traditionally used by shoppers in Mexico City for carrying spices and grains. Now these plastic-free alternatives are making a comeback, along with straw baskets and reusable...

GEF-FAO Fishery Project Makes Remarkable Progress in Protecting International Waters’ Biodiversity

A five-year, $50-million Global Environment Facility (GEF)-funded program rolled out by FAO and partners has made remarkable progress in protecting international waters' biodiversity by rendering fishing in these waters less harmful to...

Getting Creative with Coral Reef Conservation

This week in Los Angeles, 15,000 people will be attending one of the biggest creativity conferences in the world, Adobe MAX. It’s not the kind of event that is normally associated with...

Cuba Drastically Reforms Fishing Laws to Protect Coral Reef, Sharks and Rays

Cuba has introduced sweeping reforms of its fishing laws in a move seen as smoothing the way for possible collaboration with the US on protecting their shared ocean, despite Donald Trump’s policy...

Fish Populations Could Rise in Warming Climate with Better Management

Better management of fisheries and fishing rights around the world could increase profits and leave more fish in the sea as long as measures to meet climate obligations are taken, new research...

Boston City Council Approves Plastic Bag Ban

You might want to bring a tote if you plan on shopping in Beantown next year. Boston City Council voted 12-0 on Wednesday to ban single-use plastic bags across the Massachusetts capital. The...

Plastic Trash Found in Ocean Animals Living 7 Miles Deep

Plastic trash can really be found on all corners of the Earth—even in the stomachs of deep-sea organisms, according to a new study from Newcastle University in England. Led by Dr. Alan Jamieson,...

JAN LUNDIN: Substantial Level of Economic Development is the Key to Greater Ecomobility

The Kingdom of Sweden has built up a great reputation in the world as a country that pays considerable attention to the preservation of the environment. Innovative and quality solutions for environmental...

There’s a Bold New Plan to Make Ocean Trash a Thing of the Past

The way things are going now, our oceans will contain more plastic than fish by 2050. An ambitious United Nations campaign aims to stop this from happening. On Wednesday, UN Environment announced its...

Nation’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm Gets Green Light

New York State made clean energy history today when the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) approved a contract for the nation's largest offshore wind project, which will be located in the waters...

NOAA: ‘Arctic Is Warming at Least Twice as Fast as the Rest of the Planet’

The Arctic broke multiple climate records and saw its highest temperatures ever recorded this year, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) annual Arctic Report Card released Tuesday. The report shows...

More than Half of the World’s Fragile Coral Reefs Are Under Threat

14 July 2016 – More than half of the world’s fragile coral reefs are under threat and most of our major fish stocks are now over exploited, according to the latest global...

Climate change transforms Pacific Islands

A triple whammy of accelerating sea level rise, ocean warming and acidification is imperilling Pacific Islands, which face growing threats to their socioeconomic viability and indeed their very existence because of climate...

How an Innovative Liquid Removes 98 Percent of Nanoplastics from Water

After a piece of plastic enters a water system, such as a sea, ocean, river, or lake, it undergoes degradation due to the influence of sunlight, wind, and water. A large piece breaks...

The world’s Corals are Bleaching – Here’s Why

Two prominent research organizations confirmed a few weeks ago what scientists had long thought: the world’s warm water coral reefs are bleaching en masse for the fourth time in 25 years. Corals are...



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