Search results for:industrial waste

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Waste management is a sector that, in addition to improving the environment, has the potential to improve the economy. The authorities increasingly understand the importance and benefits of the “circulation” of the economy. For...

Solar Power Plant for Pollution Removal

There is talk in the last few years about more intensive use of solar energy in our country’s energy mix. With the desire that such projects come to life and become part...

NEW DELICATESSEN – Natural and Sun-Kissed

Pompon sun-dried paste is designed as a healthy, gluten-free alternative to classic pasta. Fresh pumpkin, by specially designed process of cutting into strips and natural drying process on sun and air, is...

ECOHEALTH – In which Way Have We Disturbed Balance in Nature?

The occurrence of a type of pollution entails the disturbance of the natural balance in other parts of the ecosystem, affecting all human beings, since pollution does not know national and regional...

China Has an Ambitious Five-Year Plan to Convert Homes to Clean Heating

China has taken several steps this year to curb its greenhouse gas emissions. The nation has tested new electric vehicles, shut down coal-burning factories, and moved forward on plans for “sponge cities”...

AMSTERDAM: Mobilize for a Clean, Prosperous Future

Amsterdam has ambitious aspirations to slash its greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), phase out fossil fuels, and usher in a clean energy future. The city’s sustainability vision is panoramic in scope, encompassing the management...

Biogas Cost Reductions to Boost Sustainable Transport

While most people will identify electric vehicles as a sustainable form of transport, particularly when paired with renewable electricity generation, biogas also holds great potential to substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions from...

There Is Constantly Fewer Water Resources, Better Management Is Necessary

While preparing for the interview with PhD Nebojša Veljković, we have performed several experiments and easily made sure that the litre of water is more expensive than the litre of petrol. Continuation...

EBRD boosts steel dust recycling in Turkey

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is promoting industrial waste recycling in Turkey with a US$ 20 million loan to Befesa Silvermet İskenderun Çelik Tozu Geri Dönüşümü A.Ş., a company...

MOL Group is a Leading Player in Creating a Green and Self-Sustaining Region

In mid-March of this year, MOL Group updated its long-term strategy SHAPE TOMORROW, according to which the company aims to make the region greener, more self-sustainable and more competitive. MOL Group ensures...

The First Carbon Capture and Storage Project in Italy

The first carbon capture and storage (CCS) project in Italy is known as the Ravenna CCS Project, launched exclusively for environmental purposes. Its goal is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, contributing to...

EU: Citizens Can Now Seek Compensation from Polluters

The European Union has adopted an amended directive on industrial and livestock emissions, 2024/1785 (IED 2.0), granting citizens greater rights than the directive adopted in 2010. Now, the European Commission announced they...

New Materials for a New Age

Within technological engineering, one of the narrower disciplines is called materials engineering – an area whose focus is understanding the various characteristics of materials to create new materials with improved properties to...

Is it Possible to Combine the Chemical Industry and Circular Economy?

The chemical industry is an important segment of the global economy because it employs more than 15 million people worldwide and has global annual revenues of 5.7 trillion dollars, according to data...

Sustainable Architecture Principles Throughout History and Today

Back in 2017, the United Nations Global Status Report revealed the fact that large-scale pollution came from buildings and the construction sector, supporting it with concrete data. As stated, 36 per cent...

Cooperation Between Sciece and Business for a Sustainable Future

Eight years have passed since the signing of the Paris Agreement, which set the goal of holding the global average temperature increase below 2°C compared to the pre-industrial levels, with the indication...



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