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At the Heart of Technological Transformation and Modernization

Spain is one of the European countries most concerned about climate change. The southern areas of this Mediterranean country are characterized by rather harsh climatic conditions, such as high temperatures, droughts, scarce...

Unless we Urgently Rethink Agriculture, More Diseases will Jump Species

As the world grapples with the current pandemic, other threats, not least our climate emergency, have not gone away. In 2020, the economic disruption from Covid-19 cost the world’s economy more than...

2020 Ties With 2016 as World’s Hottest Year on Record

Last year tied with 2016 as the world’s warmest year on record, rounding off the hottest decade globally as the impacts of climate change intensified, the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service...

IRENA and African Development Bank Partner to Scale up Renewables Investments in Africa

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), and the African Development Bank (AfDB), have agreed to work closely together to advance the continent’s energy transition through joint initiatives that support investments in low-carbon...

Mountain People Among the World’s Hungriest as Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change Take their Toll

Mountains host about half of the global biodiversity hotspots and are home to a growing number of the world's hungriest people, according to a new study launched by the Food and Agriculture...

Three Ways Drones Help Us Better Manage Our Land and Protect Our Planet

In the last couple of years, we’ve seen the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) – or drones, as most people know them – really take off. From enhancing video coverage of...

Namibia’s Locust Crisis: “They have no Mercy at All”

“This is the first time seeing such a scary situation ever since i was born here. Nothing else can compare to such a serious threat,” said farmer Fabian Sisamu. “It is the worst...

Locust Control Campaign Covers Millions of Hectares, But the Voracious Pest is Still a Threat in East Africa

Questions and Answers with Keith Cressman, FAO's Senior Locust Forecasting Officer Why are we seeing a resurgence of Desert Locust in the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula?  Well, as we predicted, climatic...

FAO, WMO and Partners Call for Early Warning and Early Action to Avoid Disasters

2020 State of Climate Services Report says 11,000 disasters caused by weather, climate and water-related hazards in the past 50 years. As extreme weather and climate events have increased in frequency, intensity and...

This App Plants Trees When People Make Lower-Carbon Choices

Ant Forest is a mobile game that has become China’s largest private sector tree-planting scheme. The game has funded the planting of more than 120 million trees, covering more than 100,000...

Six Ways Nature Can Protect Us from Climate Change

Restoring and protecting nature is one of the greatest strategies for tackling climate change, but not just for the obvious reason that it sucks carbon out the air. Forests, wetlands, and other...

Innovative Program Connects Donors and Tree-Planting Groups

In 2018, the United Nations (UN) declared 2021-2030 as the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration in an effort to reverse centuries of damage to forests, wetlands and other ecosystems. The following year, as...

UNFCCC Work on Building Climate Resilience Continues – Virtually

Despite the COVID-19 crisis, work is continuing apace on efforts to build resilience to the inevitable impacts of climate change. Last month, the UNFCCC’s Adaptation Committee (AC) hosted its first-ever virtual meeting, thereby...

Biopesticides for Locust Control in East Africa

East Africa is going through a massive Desert Locust infestation that’s stripping farming families of food and income and threatening the food security of millions throughout the region. And the number of...

Signs and Impacts of Climate Change in Atmosphere, Land and Oceans Are Rising

The tell-tale physical signs of climate change such as increasing land and ocean heat, accelerating sea level rise and melting ice are highlighted in a new report compiled by the World Meteorological...

Massive, Border-Spanning Campaign Needed to Combat Locust Upsurge in East Africa

Desert Locust swarms in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia - already unprecedented in their size and destructive potential - could swell exponentially and spill over into more countries in East Africa if efforts...



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