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Innovation and Market Reform Needed to Drive Japan’s Clean Energy Transition, IEA Policy Review Finds

New report notes Japan’s success in making its energy system more resilient and sustainable, but says reaching carbon-neutrality by 2050 requires quick action now. Japan will need to move quickly to make headway...

Iceland, a World Leader in Clean Energy, Supports Africa’s Push for Geothermal Power

At the beginning of the 20th century, Iceland was one of Europe's poorest countries, its people relying on a precarious and polluting mix of imported coal and local peat for electricity.But over...

Sun, Wind and Biomass for Clean Energy

Vojvodina has a great potential for energy production from renewable sources. How much these resources will be used, and to what extent industrial entities will be environmentally conscious, depends most on the...

A Genuine Artificial Leaf – New Source of Clean Energy?

The race to create a genuine artificial leaf has heated up to the boiling point. The latest development is a new device that looks like a greenish tile the size of a...

Under What Conditions Will Clean Energy Become The Norm?

Even as renewables become a more common energy source around the world, they still face major obstacles. Some barriers are inherent with all new technologies; others are the result of skewed regulatory...

Harmony Fuels Provides First Ever Carbon Neutral Heating Oil and Propane Products for Residential Customers from Maryland to Maine

New Division of Shipley Energy to Provide Unique Heating Options for Eco-Conscious Residents of the Northeast and Beyond YORK, Penn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#carbonneutral--Shipley Energy today announced a new division, Harmony Fuels, that will provide the...

Shift Towards Clean Energy in Southeastern Europe: Challenges and Opportunities

Various means such as petroleum products, biomass, sun, wind, water, nuclear fission, lead us to the production of electricity as the ultimate goal. Each of the methods of obtaining energy has its...

New Chemistry Technique Turns Waste Plastic Into Clean Fuel

Waste plastic is choking the Earth’s oceans and poisoning its wildlife. That’s why researchers at Purdue University are excited about a new chemical technique that turns waste plastic back into useful polymers...

600+ Environmental Groups Urge Congress to Phase Out Fossil Fuels

On Thursday more than 600 environmental groups called on the U.S. House of Representatives to pursue ambitious climate legislation that matches the scale and urgency of the climate crisis.The groups' letter calls for a thoughtful...

Fossil Fuels and Climate Denial Still Reign in Louisiana Despite Scientists’ Dire Warnings

Louisiana is ground zero for the devastating impacts of climate change. Even though the state is already feeling the costly impacts to life and property due to extreme weather and an eroding coastline linked to...

Most-Polluting UK Home Fuels to Be Burned Up

The sale of the most-polluting fuels used in UK households are to get the chop as part of government plans to reduce emissions.The burning of wood and coal in homes is said...

Are Fossil Fuels out of Fashion at the UN Climate Talks?

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) prides itself for including both Parties and Non-party stakeholders in their decision making processes. A perspective that is suspicious towards the legitimacy of...

University Of Edinburgh Will Fully Divest From Fossil Fuels Within 3 Years

The University of Edinburgh in Scotland has announced that it will completely divest from all investments in fossil fuels within three years in a move that goes a long way toward achieving...

Stanford Engineers: Here’s How 139 Countries Can Avoid Blackouts With 100% Clean Energy

Renewable energy solutions are often hindered by the inconsistencies of power produced by wind, water and sunlight and the continuously fluctuating demand for energy. New research by Mark Z. Jacobson, a professor...

Worldwide Clean Energy Investments Hit $333.5 Billion Last Year

Global investment in renewable energy hit $333.5 billion in 2018, the second-highest on record, according to a new analysis from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). That's a 3 percent jump from 2016 and...

UK Clean Energy Records Make 2017 ‘Greenest Year Ever’

This year is set to be the “greenest ever” for the UK, according to data provided by the National Grid. Over the course of 2017, 13 different renewable energy records have been broken. “It’s...



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