Search results for:carbon neutral

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Cheap Carbon Capture Technology Might Make Our Climate Goals Possible

So, let’s just say it: we are not on track to meet the ambitious goals of the Paris Accord, the ambitious international agreement intended to limit global warming.If we are to reach...

Heineken Cruises Ahead with Low Carbon Barge Transport Pilot

Heineken is set to begin transporting its beer for export along Dutch canals as part of a joint project aimed at demonstrating the benefits of using low carbon barge transportation. The brewing giant...

Natural Gas Facilities With No Carbon Dioxide Emissions

How can we burn natural gas without releasing CO2 into the air? This feat is achieved using a special combustion method that TU Wien has been researching for years: chemical looping combustion...

Dams Significantly Impact Global Carbon Cycle, New Study Finds

There are an estimated 84,000 dams in the U.S., blocking more than 17 percent of rivers in the nation. Dams are interrupting wildlife habitats, damaging the ecosystem and impacting the global climate...

Easyjet Cuts Carbon Emissions 30 Per Cent Since 2000

Easyjet has cut the carbon emissions of its flights by almost a third since 2000 thanks to a combination of better technology and improvements in operating efficiency. Over the last 17 years its...

Zero-Carbon Home Generates Income by Making More Energy than it Needs

The home of the future could slash your utility bills and generate enough money to help pay the mortgage. UK firm Koru Architects designed and built one such house, named the Lloyd...

Energy Positive: How Denmark’s Samsø Island Switched to Zero Carbon

Anyone doubting the potential of renewable energy need look no further than the Danish island of Samsø. The 4,000-inhabitant island nestled in the Kattegat Sea has been energy-positive for the past decade,...

Australia’s Energy Transmission Industry Calls for Carbon Trading

Australia’s electricity and gas transmission industry is calling on the Turnbull government to implement a form of carbon trading in the national electricity market by 2022 and review the scope for economy-wide...

MOL Group is a Leading Player in Creating a Green and Self-Sustaining Region

In mid-March of this year, MOL Group updated its long-term strategy SHAPE TOMORROW, according to which the company aims to make the region greener, more self-sustainable and more competitive. MOL Group ensures...

On the Way to the Energy Transition

The Energy Community recognized the Republic of Serbia as a leader in energy reforms in the region in 2023. Key steps have been taken to improve the legislative framework and set strategic...

How to Unlock a USD 500 Billion Investment Opportunity in Advanced Energy Solutions and Reach Net Zero

Developing advanced energy solutions including storage, clean fuels, carbon removal and advanced nuclear solutions is key to achieving better outcomes for the climate in the form of low emissions, health via clean...

Innovative Technology is the Key to Creating a Sustainable Future

The Siemens company published a global report on sustainable development for the fiscal year 2023, which pointed out that the development of technology is one of the key answers to the challenges...

Cooperation Between Sciece and Business for a Sustainable Future

Eight years have passed since the signing of the Paris Agreement, which set the goal of holding the global average temperature increase below 2°C compared to the pre-industrial levels, with the indication...


Serbia has good predispositions for the use of solar energy, said Jovana Joksimović, Assistant Minister of Mining and Energy in charge of International Cooperation and European Integration, adding that the country's task...


The Balkan Solar Summit will take place from February 7 to 9 in Banja Luka, in Banski Dvor. This top event is a unique opportunity to meet, network and exchange ideas with...

Once enough to stain shirt collars, smog is lifting over greater Seoul

Cho Jang-hun remembers a time in the 1990s when it was almost impossible to escape the dirty air from exhaust fumes, coal-fired power plants and massive industrial projects that hung over his...



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