Search results for:milena maglovski

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It’s not all so Colourless – How is North Korea Fighting Climate Change

Time in North Korea seems to stand still. At least that's how it seems to the rest of the world, which cannot come to terms with the fact that in the 21st...

Szeged Introduces a Geothermal Energy District Heating System

The Hungarian Ministry of Construction and Transport recently announced the completion of the project for a new geothermal heating system in Szeged. According to the Ministry’s announcement, six million euros have been invested...

What is the Sun Tax and Why Some Countries “Punish” Their Prosumers?

There should be no obstacles for those who want to invest in renewable energy sources on the way to decarbonization of the energy sector. And yet, by introducing the so-called “sun tax”,...

Would You Live in a Beehive Building?

The average person in industrialized societies spends about 70 per cent of the day indoors (in many countries, this percentage is much higher). Staring at a computer screen all day, being sedentary,...

Wealthy Countries Have Learned Their Lesson – They Are Trying to Restore Their Estuaries

People have always inhabited the banks of rivers that are vital to our existence, but it seems that human intervention in the last three decades is slowly taking its toll. Experts from Inha...

Growing Number of Floating Solar Power Plants in Asia

Indonesia recently got the prototype of a marine floating solar power plant, writes Offshore Energy. The project called Solar2Wave is a milestone in developing solar energy in Indonesia, which has successfully overcome...

How Banks Finance the Deforestation of the Amazon

According to the latest research by the non-governmental organization Greenpeace, loans from Brazilian national and international banks and taxpayers’ money finance the illegal clearing of the Amazon rainforest. The investigation analyzed the granting...

Drought Causes a National Disaster in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa has declared a national disaster due to a drought that threatens to put 2.7 million people at risk of starvation this year, according to global media. Mnangagwa told a...

Up to 11 Million Tons of Plastic at the Bottom of the Ocean

People are primarily concerned about the pollution of the sea by visible plastic floating on the surface of the water, but what should worry us, even more, is the sunken plastic waste...

Cellulose Plastic for a Healthier Environment

The idea of bioplastics is not new – for some time, environmentally oriented scientists have been trying to develop a fully recyclable replacement for plastic as we know it today. Researchers from Hokkaido...

Green Planet between Dystopia and Utopia

That day, at the front door of my building, I was intercepted by an upset neighbor with the announcement that “The lift is not working again!” I noticed that my neighbor was...

Old Mines Can Be Used for Energy Storage

In addition to renewable energy production facilities being built left and right, the energy transition we are striving for also requires the construction of energy storage facilities since the efficiency of renewable...


Although the Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS) still relies on coal, for the most part, the idea to shut down certain thermal power plants (TPP) and build solar ones instead is...


Epson’s new products bring static printhead technology to the mid-range market, simplifying the sales process and ensuring end users have the best product in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. Unlike laser technology,...


Renewable energy sources (RES) have long been a prerequisite for energy, economic, and thus national stability, while the ongoing energy crisis has further highlighted the need for green investments. However, as the...


To contribute to the reduction of the carbon footprint by using energy from renewable sources, the company A1 Serbia installed more than 3000 solar panels. It became the first telecommunications company on...



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