Search results for:food waste

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Serving up Sustainable Food

Along with a vow to return to exercise, upping personal intake of fruit and vegetables tops the list of New Year’s resolutions for many. But what if this year’s resolution didn’t end...

Make #NotWasting Food a Personal Resolution

All over the world, holidays mean the return of certain specialties: Olivier salad for New Year’s in Russia, Red bean porridge for solstice in Korea, Haleem for Ramadan in India and the...

Soil Pollution a Risk to Our Health and Food Security

Each year, the world marks World Soil Day on 5 December to raise awareness about the growing challenges in soil management and soil biodiversity loss, and encourage governments, communities and individuals around...

Consumers and Business Concerned About Plastic Waste but Expect Governments to Do More

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Food Industry Asia (FIA) today released a regional survey of consumers and food and beverage businesses across South-East Asia that shows a significant disconnect between...

How Powering Food Storage Could End Hunger

In our fight against global warming, energy efficiency is the low-hanging fruit of cutting carbon emissions. It reduces the need to produce more energy and is quick, easy and inexpensive. The goal...

Textiles EU’s Fourth Largest Cause of Environmental Pressures After Food, Housing, Transport

Consumption of clothing, footwear and household textiles in the European Union (EU) uses annually about 1.3 tonnes of raw materials and more than 100 cubic metres of water per person, according to...

We Must Change Food Production to Save the World, Says Leaked Report

Attempts to solve the climate crisis by cutting carbon emissions from only cars, factories and power plants are doomed to failure, scientists will warn this week.A leaked draft of a report on...

US Top of the Garbage Pile in Global Waste Crisis

The world produces over two billion tonnes of municipal solid waste every year, enough to fill over 800,000 Olympic sized swimming pools. Per head of population the worst offenders are the US, as...

Forest Area Twice the Size of UK ‘Cut Down to Grow Food Since 2010’

An area of forest twice the size of the UK has been cut down since 2010 to set up food plantations.That’s the verdict from Greenpeace International, which claims unsustainable farms supply many...

Takeout Lunches Generate Obscene Amounts of Packaging Waste

Eating on the go is costly not only to our wallets, but also to the environment.Eating lunch on the go generates nearly 11 billion pieces of packaging waste every year – and...

World Produced 44m Tonnes of E-Waste in 2017

More than 44 million tonnes of electronic and electrical waste (e-waste) was produced globally in 2017, with a majority being sent to landfill.That’s more than six kilograms for every person on the...

New Chemistry Technique Turns Waste Plastic Into Clean Fuel

Waste plastic is choking the Earth’s oceans and poisoning its wildlife. That’s why researchers at Purdue University are excited about a new chemical technique that turns waste plastic back into useful polymers...

M&S Launches New ‘Eco Bag’ to Reduce Plastic Waste

Marks & Spencer (M&S) has launched a new eco-shopping bag that helps prevent waste and reduce poverty among people living in Haiti and the Philippines.Launching in stores on 6th November, the re-usable...

‘Public Deluded About Amount They Need to Own and How Much They Waste’

The majority of people are deluded about the amount of possessions they need and the amount of waste they produce.That’s according to relocation firm Movinga, which surveyed 18,000 households across 20 countries...

Green Foods Could Clean Up the Construction Industry

We’ve all heard of eating our vegetables, but what about building with them? A new study by Lancaster University‘s B-SMART program will examine the effects of incorporating root vegetables – yes, vegetables...

Deluge of Electronic Waste Turning Thailand into ‘World’s Rubbish Dump’

At a deserted factory outside Bangkok, skyscrapers made from vast blocks of crushed printers, Xbox components and TVs tower over black rivers of smashed-up computer screens. This is a tiny fraction of the...



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