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For a Quick Print of the New Home, Stop by Čačak

Nowadays, the construction industry must progress rapidly to follow world trends. Constructors and manufacturers of construction machines are constantly working on improving technical capabilities to meet all the requirements in modern facilities...

China Joins World Green Building Council Community

China's Green Building Council has officially partnered with the World Green Building Council in a major boost to international efforts to curb the environmental impact of the building and construction sectors, the...

Organela – The Harmony Of Clean Energy and Organic Agriculture

Clean energy development is a key moment in efforts to establish energy security and preserve our planet. Due to increasingly affordable construction costs, solar power plants have become the most prevalent renewable...

PV Power Plants on Flat Roofs

Designing and planning rooftop PV plants is one of the most challenging steps towards the realization of your dreams of having green energy produced by sunlight. Hardly any rooftop project is more...

Maribor – Circular Economy Implementation Hub

Back in the day, Maribor was one of the most developed cities in Yugoslavia. Today, it is the second largest city in Slovenia and the first in the region to apply the...

By Investing in Sustainability, we’re Improving the Natural and Business Environment

Delta Holding is successfully implementing its ESG strategy, which contributes to environmental protection and the improvement of the quality of life in the community. Tijana Koprivica, the company’s Sustainable Business Manager, spoke...

UNEP and Ministry of Environment Sign Agreement to Reinforce Environmental Action in Brazil

In a move to renew and increate collaboration on the propriety issues of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and waste and pollution, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Ministry...

Green Transformation of the Republic of Croatia

Access to European Union funds provides the Republic of Croatia with the necessary finances for investments in infrastructure construction, as well as green and digital transition. Thanks to this, the country can...

EU Support for Green Transition Projects in Serbia

The European Union launched the European Green Deal, paving the way for a comprehensive approach to green in all sectoral policies. The Green Deal was extended to the Western Balkans in the...

Improving Environmental Protection in Serbia

Solving environment-related problems and protecting the environment are still the top priorities and challenges for both people living in the Republic of Serbia and state institutions. In 2023, the Ministry of Environmental...

Precise Strategies and Plans for Mitigating the Consequences of Climate Change

Biodiversity is particularly important for Romania because around 23 per cent of the country’s surface is occupied by protected natural areas, which are part of the Natura 2000 network of protected areas in the European Union. Romania has...

2024 Olympic Games – Sustainability in Every Organizational Segment

This year, Paris will host over 10,000 athletes and numerous visitors for the 2024 Olympic Games. An event of this scale requires large resources and energy. Still, the organizers have ensured that its...

New Materials for a New Age

Within technological engineering, one of the narrower disciplines is called materials engineering – an area whose focus is understanding the various characteristics of materials to create new materials with improved properties to...

The New Era of Artificial Intelligence – and What it Means for the Data Center Segment

Artificial intelligence is currently the most potent force transforming how we process, analyze, and use data. Predictions say that the artificial intelligence market will reach a whopping $407 billion by 2027. We...

Support for the Implementation of Innovative Solutions for a Smooth Green Transition

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has a unique financing programme designed by the organization’s key development team. The financing programme is related to Public Calls in the form of challenges for...

Green Bonds for Financing the Development of Environmental Projects

Green bonds are a relatively young financial instrument dating back just over 15 years. In 2007, the European Investment Bank (EIB) issued these securities for the first time. Green bonds are debt...



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