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Fresh Climate Data Confirms 2015 Is Unlike Any Other Year in Human History

Over the past few days, a bevy of climate data has come together to tell a familiar yet shocking story: Humans have profoundly altered the planet’s life-support system, with 2015. increasingly likely...

Global coal demand stalls after more than a decade of relentless growth

Following more than a decade of aggressive growth, global coal demand has stalled, the International Energy Agency said Friday in its annual coal market report. The report sharply lowered its five-year global...

Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energyGeothermal is the Earth’s natural heat created by the decay of radioactive elements in the Earth’s crust and is transferred to higher layers of the Earth’s crust.When energy from the interior...

Energy Efficiency

Energy EfficiencyHow to use the necessary energy in the most efficient wayEvery day, people use energy for transportation, cooking, heating, cooling, manufacturing, and lighting, as well as for entertainment and many other...



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