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Cities Are Crucial to the Future of Energy

Last month, politicians, energy executives, and energy experts met in Istanbul for the 23rd World Energy Congress. A new report written by Arup for the congress outlines that although cities consume the...

GM Accelerates Renewables Pledge With 50MW Texas Wind Farm Deal

General Motors has made its largest renewable energy purchase to date by signing a new power purchase agreement (PPA) with a 150MW wind farm currently under development in Texas. Announced last week, the...

Geothermal-Powered Ferry Terminal in Stockholm Has a Public Park on Its Roof

The recently completed ferry terminal in Stockholm is a cross between an urban park and a departing ship. Residents of Stockholm can use the roof of the terminal, designed by C.F. Møller,...

‘The Heat is There’: Is There a Future for Geothermal Energy in Australia?

In July 2010, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (Arena) took a $32m gamble on geothermal energy, investing in Australia’s first demonstration of geothermal electricity generation. Six years later, the wells in South Australia’s...

Poverty-Fighting Organizations Ready to Speak Out on Coal

A year ago, a group of poverty-fighting organizations from the global North and South, including our own, began a discussion about coal. We were keenly aware of how important energy is to improving...

Encouraging Results from ABB’s Hybrid Renewable Microgrids

Low-carbon microgrids have assumed a place in the strategic agendas of some of the world's largest power and industrial engineering corporations. That includes Swedish-Swiss ABB, whose roots in the now fast moving...

Electric Cars Pose ‘Resoundingly Negative’ Threat to Oil Companies: Analyst Fitch

So far, though, the oil industry hasn't seemed to give plug-in electric cars much attention. ExxonMobil and OPEC have both predicted that, even by 2040, electric cars will make up less than...

Energy Efficient Prosperity: Green Buildings

A couple of years ago, the Ngewana family sat around the kitchen table of their Cape Town home and set themselves a target: over the next six months, they would try to...

Air Pollution more Deadly in Africa than Malnutrition or Dirty Water, Study Warns

Africa’s air pollution is causing more premature deaths than unsafe water or childhood malnutrition, and could develop into a health and climate crisis reminiscent of those seen in China and India, a...

New York City Sets the First Citywide Energy Storage Target

Only two U.S. states, California and Massachusetts, have set targets for energy storage deployments. Now New York City has joined them. The city government unveiled a storage goal of 100 megawatt-hours by 2020...

Cities Are at the Frontline of the Energy Transition

Cities dominate energy demand, and by extension are responsible for a significant share of carbon emissions. In 2013, the world’s urban areas accounted for about 64% of global primary energy use and...

UK Will Miss its 2020 Renewable Energy Targets, Warn MPs

Urgent action is needed if UK is to meet its targets, particularly for heating and transport The UK will fail to meet its targets on renewable energy generation, with take-up of clean fuels...

Clean air takes centre stage at Sarajevo Film Festival

Second annual Enviro Day sees the UN Environment Programme and Sarajevo Film Festival join forces to raise awareness of the importance of clean air in Bosnia and Herzegovina - home to some...

IRENA Conference Set to Boost Off-Grid Renewable Energy Development Worldwide

Key stakeholders from the off-grid renewable energy sector – including policy makers, the private sector, financiers, and development institutions – will gather in Nairobi, Kenya from 30 September to 1 October 2016,...

Addressing Climate Change with Low-Carbon Energy Centers

Last autumn, as part of MIT’s Plan for Action on Climate Change, the Institute announced plans to create Low-Carbon Energy Centers to advance key technologies that will address climate change. Since then,...

To Fight Climate Change, We Need to ‘Uberize’ the Energy Industry

Organizing capital, in isolation, isn’t enough to get hundreds of Elon Musks dedicating themselves to building companies that develop critical new wind, solar, nuclear and battery technology. In June, Hemant Taneja attended a breakfast...



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