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New Version of Solar Car Emilia4 Being Prepared in Cooperation Of Serbia and Italy

It is called Emilia4 and it is the symbol of the day dedicated to sustainable mobility as selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Italy....

The construction of the first bifacial and the largest solar power plant in Serbia begins

Bifacial solar power plants are becoming an increasingly common choice for investors due to their ability to collect the sunlight that bounce off the substrate and produce electricity more efficiently than power plants...

Interdepartmental Working Group Formed To Achieve Goals Of Green Agenda

At a session, the government of the Republic of Serbia passed an amended decision on temporary restriction of exports of basic agri-food products important to the population. Given that Serbia, like many other...

The Right Time For Women’s Entrepreneurship and Initiatives

That morning, Aleksandra Lazović Lønningen threw away the expired food package again. In her home in Norway, in front of an open refrigerator, she thought about how much money was wasted in...

ABB E-mobility Opens Its Largest DC Fast Charger Production Facility In Italy

ABB E-mobility has today strengthened its position as the world leader in EV charging solutions with the opening of the company’s largest DC fast charger production site to date - the E-mobility...

IntenCity – Schneider Electric’s “smart building”

IntenCity is Schneider Electric's new flagship building in Grenoble, France's Scientific Polygon (Presqu’île). This year is special for Grenoble since the city has been named the 2022 European Green Capital. The award...

Top 10 OTP Banka Generator Zero Carbon Footprint Reduction Projects Selected

Hemp bioplastics production system, mobile application for prevention and reducing household food waste, self-sustainable greenhouses or biotic material as a substitute for styrofoam are just some of the innovative solutions that have...

Why we Need Global Cooperation on Decarbonizing Cities and Real Estate

In an increasingly challenging and volatile world, the urgent need to decarbonize real estate remains a constant. There are no quick fixes that will suddenly transform today’s energy inefficient buildings into models of...

The Untapped Potential of Bio-Waste in Europe

The collection and recycling of bio-waste is key in the development of a sustainable society. After all, we’ll always produce some sort of organic waste, such as food or garden waste. When...

Let’s Listen To What The Wind Tells Us

The language of the wind is simple. However, although every whistle tells us “healthy environment”, “unlimited green kilowatts”, and “energy stability”, investments in dirty technologies and fossil fuels are still going on. The...

ABB to Power World’s First Hybrid-Electric Biomass Fuel Carriers

The Japanese Shipowners’ Association has announced that the Japanese shipping industry will take on the challenge of 2050 net zero GHG. One of its most significant initiatives is e5 Lab Inc., a...

The Solution For the Future of Sustainable Transport

The world’s metropolises are taking sure steps to improve and accelerate the complete transition to electric vehicles with innovative solutions. Intensive work on the promotion of electric vehicles, affects the growth of...

A Key Lever For Acceleratinf EV Adoption

The introduction of smart EV charging infrastructure is becoming a global goal of essential importance for the whole world, thus accelerating this trend, and using its benefits for both consumers and the...

EBRD Lends EUR 20 Million to Upgrade Bosnia’s Electricity Transmission Grid

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is lending EUR 20 million to Elektroprenos-Elektroprijenos (also known as TransCo), Bosnia and Herzegovina’s transmission system operator, for the modernisation and upgrading of its...

The Green Shade of Black Gold

When we mention NIS, the first thing that comes to mind for most consumers is the production and sale of fuel. However, over the past decade, the domestic oil industry has also...

Open Challenge for Innovative Solutions in the Field of Circular Economy

With the support of the European Union, and in partnership with the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), and the European Investment Bank (EIB), the United Nations...



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