Search results for:air emissions

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The Future Is in Nuclear Energy

Why are wind and sun as renewable energy sources less environmentally acceptable and economically less profitable than nuclear energy, and how much France as an example can help us in the strategy...

Caring For the Environment Should Be a Lifestyle 

Traffic belongs to major air pollutants, and selection of the mode of transport is considered as one of the main factors of influence. We all have the opportunity to make that choice....

The Ambassador of Hungary, Attilával Pintér: Energy Security is an Imperative Both For Hungary and Serbia

There are a lot of things Hungary has been doing in recent years that not only countries in the region but in the whole Europe can take as an example. Although there...

FAO Launches the UN’s International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021

The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, today launched the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021 (IYFV) with an appeal to improve healthy...

Micromobility: Major Study Shows Electric Bikes Are Good For Health

Electric bicycles are divisive in the cycling community. Some cyclists think that they are for lazy people and others think that they are unsafe. But that’s not what the evidence shows. A...

ABB’s Digital Water Management Solutions Easing Water Shortage in India

With an annual rainfall of just 570mm, Koppal is a semi-arid region where the groundwater table only produces saline water. Water shortages are a daily challenge for the region’s one million inhabitants....

charge&GO –  Your Step Towards Electromobility

Do electric and hybrid vehicles belong to the future or are they reserved only for western, more advanced economies? However, if they are present here and now, such a standpoint is obviously...

Use of Climate-Warming Fluorinated Gases Continues to Drop Across EU

The EEA report ‘Fluorinated greenhouse gases 2020’ confirms the trend of continued reduction in the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) by European industry under both the EU-wide regulated phase-down of HFCs and the...

Urgent Action Needed for the Energy Transition in Heating and Cooling

The transition to cleaner, more sustainable heating and cooling solutions can attract investment, create millions of new jobs and help to drive a durable economic recovery in the wake of the global...

What Is Servitisation, and How Can It Help Save the Planet?

The rising global population and continuous economic growth are driving an increasing demand for energy. Global energy consumption is expected to nearly double by the year 2050, further enhancing the challenge to...

Carbon Dioxide Levels Hit New Record; COVID Impact ‘a Tiny Blip’, Wmo Says 

“We breached the global threshold of 400 parts per million in 2015. And just four years later, we crossed 410 ppm. Such a rate of increase has never been seen in the...

New Electric School Buses In Virginia & Massachusetts

We will cover basically every electric school bus story that comes across our desk, because it is that important for schools — shuttling around many of our youngest, most vulnerable kids —...

South Africa: Industrial Energy Efficiency Project Wins International Award

South Africa’s largest energy efficiency initiative: Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement in South Africa through Mainstreaming the Introduction of Energy Management Systems and Energy Systems Optimization, has won the highest international accolade for...

More & More Bus Fleets Transition From Diesel To Battery-Electric

Up until recently, the majority of the US public transit system was powered by polluting fossil fuels such as diesel, which pose a serious risk to public health and contribute to global...

New All-Electric Niagara Falls Tour Ferries Powered by ABB Enter Service

Tour boat passengers will be able to experience one of the wonders of the natural world undisturbed by exhaust fumes, engine noise or vibrations, after a pair of vessels installed with all-electric...

Renewables Could Cover More Than One-Third of Energy Demand in CESEC

Within ten years, the economies of Central and South Eastern Europe could cover 34 percentage of their rising energy demand cost-effectively with renewables, a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency...



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