Search results for:CO₂

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EU Invests in Two Additional Car Emissions Testing Facilities

They will monitor and check compliance of vehicles with the type-approval regulation and the new emissions limits. Two additional facilities that will carry out vehicle emissions testing before they are rolled out on the roads...

Planting More Trees Won’t Be Enough to Save the Planet

One way of mitigating the adverse effects of man-made climate change is to plant trees. The more trees there are, the more CO2 they absorb from the atmosphere, thereby alleviating the greenhouse...

Landmark UN Climate Report Urges ‘Rapid and Unprecedented’ Action to Limit Global Warming

It warns human activities have already caused around 1°C of warming above pre-industrial levels and is likely to reach 1.5°C by as early as 2030 Governments across the world must take “rapid, far-reaching...

Greenpeace Report: Europe Has 10 Years Left to Ditch Fossil Fuel Cars

Europe must phase out the sales of new gasoline- and diesel-fueled cars by 2028 if it wants to live up to its Paris climate agreement emissions-reduction pledges, according to new research by...

Number of Dirty Diesels on Road Still Growing, Report Shows

The number of dirty diesel vehicles pumping out toxic emissions on Europe’s streets is still rising three years after the Dieselgate scandal began, according to a new report. More than 7m such...

EU Climate Law Could Cause ‘Catastrophic’ Deforestation

Senior climate scientists say that the world’s carbon sinks could be facing a grave threat from a wholly unexpected source: the EU’s renewable energy directive. The climate law could suck in as much...

Eva Kail: Vienna Acts Against the Climate Change

Eva Kail, The Gender Planning Expert for the Executive Group for Construction and Technology, the City of Vienna A survey conducted by Mercer, an international consulting firm, has shown that there’s no place...

Asia’s Growing Appetite for Meat Is Causing Problems for the Environment

Asia's growing appetite for meat and seafood over the next three decades will cause huge increases in greenhouse gas emissions and antibiotics used in foods, researchers said on Tuesday. Rising population, incomes and...

50% of Industrial Climate Change Emissions Tied to Fossil Fuel Companies

The Rocky Mountain Institute recently released a report titled Decarbonization Pathways for Mines: A Headlamp in the Darkness, in which it was stated that in 2015, half of worldwide industrial greenhouse gas...

UK Summer ‘Wind Drought’ Puts Green Revolution into Reverse

Britain’s long heatwave threw the country’s green energy revolution into reverse and pushed up carbon emissions this summer, leading experts to stress the need for a diverse energy mix.The summer of 2017...

Fast-Melting Lakes Could Increase Permafrost Emissions 118 Percent

Scientists may need to more than double their assessment of how much carbon dioxide and methane thawing Arctic permafrost will release into the atmosphere this century, according to a study published this...

Brazil Meets a Major Emissions Goal Two Years Ahead of Schedule

Brazil has just announced that it has cut 2017 greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation to levels far below its 2020 goal. The country originally aimed to reduce emissions from this source by...

Forests Storing Greenhouse Gases ‘Crucial to Tackling Climate Change’

UK scientists say replacing forests with crops for bioenergy power stations that capture carbon could instead increase the amount of emissions. Carbon capture technologies will help curb the world’s efforts to tackle climate...

Last Year Was Warmest Ever That Didn’t Feature an El Niño, Report Finds

Last year was the warmest ever recorded on Earth that didn’t feature an El Niño, a periodic climatic event that warms the Pacific Ocean, according to the annual state of the climate...

Green Foods Could Clean Up the Construction Industry

We’ve all heard of eating our vegetables, but what about building with them? A new study by Lancaster University‘s B-SMART program will examine the effects of incorporating root vegetables – yes, vegetables...

Every Cotton T-Shirt Costs the Environment $3.40

Ma Earth is paying through its nose for the clothing we produce, according to a study that quantifies, for the first time, the price we exact from the ecosystem for our clothing....



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