Search results for: greenhouse gas emissions

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Dams Significantly Impact Global Carbon Cycle, New Study Finds

There are an estimated 84,000 dams in the U.S., blocking more than 17 percent of rivers in the nation. Dams are interrupting wildlife habitats, damaging the ecosystem and impacting the global climate...

San Francisco’s Rapid Transit Likely Nation’s First to Run on 100% Renewables

Taking public transportation already makes a big difference in reducing your carbon footprint. Now, the San Francisco Bay Area's rapid transit system is reducing its own carbon footprint by committing to 100...

EP100: H&M Dresses for Energy-Saving Success

Fashion retail giant and US-based LED lighting manufacturer Cree have become the latest two high profile firms to pledge to double their energy productivity under the EP100 initiative. The EP100 scheme, which is led...

Solar Power Brings Light to Dark Corners of Indian Train Stations

The pounding of trains running through the night does not disturb the fatigued sleep of the homeless migrants huddled at the foot of the sky bridge at Visakhapatnam railway platform. “It is the...

San Francisco Goodwill Taps BYD To Supply 11 Zero-Emission Electric Trucks To Bay Area

The San Francisco Goodwill, with support from the California Air Resources Board and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, has awarded BYD a contract for 11 electric trucks into its operations...

Mayors Take Bold Step Toward 100% Clean Energy

Mayors from across the nation joined with the Sierra Club's Ready for 100 campaign Wednesday to announce a new effort to engage and recruit mayors to endorse a goal of transitioning to...

Stanford Completes Rooftop Solar On 15 More Buildings

Starting in 2012, Stanford University began an ambitious program to bring solar power to its Silicon Valley campus. The University’s Department of Sustainability and Energy Management reviewed 20 proposals from solar energy...

Walmart Inks Deal for 40MWh of Battery Storage at Selected California Stores

US supermarket giant Walmart is to install 40MWh of battery storage technology across selected supermarkets in Southern California after signing a deal with clean tech start-up Advanced Microgrid Solutions (AMS). Under the initial...

Al-Falih Announces Package of Renewable Energy Projects

Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Khalid Al-Falih launched a tender process for the Kingdom’s 300 megawatts Sakaka solar project. He said more wind and solar projects are in the pipeline. Launching...

Scientists Say Only 10 Years Left to Save the Planet

The planet, as we know it, has been given a deadline: 10 years. According to the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, if humans don't reduce greenhouse gas emissions drastically and maintain...

Irena Vojáčková-Sollorano: Green Climate Fund Will Be the Biggest Financial Mechanism

Climate change is a global problem and the obligation of each country is to actively participate in the fight against all these changes. Serbia plans to ratify the Paris Climate Agreement by...

Okanagan Wind Farm Up and Running

After many years of development, and nine months of heavy lifting, the 10 Sevion 3.2 M114 CCV wind turbines are now providing power to the province’s electricity grid. The Pennask project is located...

Successful Take-Off: Private Wire Solar Farm Credited with Saving Belfast Airport £100,000

Belfast International Airport has announced it has saved £100,000 on its energy bills in the 10 months since the switch was flicked on the neighbouring Crookedstone Road solar farm. The £5m Crookedstone Solar...

EU on Track to Meet 2020 Renewable Energy Targets

The European Union (EU) is on track to meet its target of sourcing 20 per cent of its energy from renewables by 2020, according to a new report. The European Environment Agency’s new...

Dressing for Long-Term Success: H&M Vows to Become ‘Climate Positive’ by 2040

Swedish fashion giant H&M has unveiled new plans to become a 'climate positive' retailer throughout its value chain by 2040. The headline target is a key plank of the retailers new '100 per...

Scotland and California Pledge Closer Ties on Climate Change and Wind Power

The governments of Scotland and California have signed a joint agreement committing the two administrations to share best practice on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and tackling climate change. Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon...



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