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Coral Reefs Show Signs Of Both Climate Stress & Resilience

Coral reefs are home to a vast array of ocean creatures. They provide food, protection against storm damage, sustain tourism and inspire wonder. “If we lose corals, we lose a vital piece...

This Dress Measures Air Pollution & Makes It Visible (VIDEO)

When Dominque Paul walks down the street, people stop and stare. Sporting silver go-go boots, a metallic wig and light-up dress, she looks like a David Bowie fever dream. Paul’s outfit is more...

100 Fossil Fuel Producers Responsible For 71% Of Emissions Since 1988

A historic new report from CDP has revealed that 71% of all greenhouse gas emissions since 1988 can be traced back to only 100 fossil fuel producers, a group which together are...

Hopes of Mild Climate Change Dashed by New Research

Hopes that the world's huge carbon emissions might not drive temperatures up to dangerous levels have been dashed by new research. The work shows that temperature rises measured over recent decades do not...

Temperatures Have Risen Rapidly In The Pyrenees In Recent Decades, Research Shows

Temperatures in the Pyrenees mountain range have been climbing particularly rapidly in recent decades — with maximum temperatures there rising by more than half a degree Celsius by decade from 1970 to...

More Than 250 US Mayors Commit To 100% Renewable Energy Amidst Adoption Of New Climate Resolution

More than 250 United States mayors have adopted a new bipartisan climate change resolution that includes a push for US cities to commit to 100% renewable energy by 2035, further widening the...

EU Moves to Restrict Hormone-Disrupting Chemical Found in Plastics

A chemical found in CDs, DVDs, kettles and water bottles could soon be restricted after the EU authorities ruled that it posed a threat to human health because of its effects on...

Wisconsin’s Next Step to Suppress Climate Science

Wisconsin's Republican-controlled government may be moving to control state-produced scientific research and tamp down emphasis on climate, according to a new report. The Wisconsin State Journal reports that Gov. Scott Walker's budget proposal...

Researchers Develop Solar Paint That Turns Water Vapor Into Hydrogen

It may be getting cheaper and easier to install solar panels onto your rooftop but what if you could generate clean energy for your home with just some paint? This reality is inching...

US Solar Industry Creates Jobs 17 Times Faster Than Rest Of The Economy

A new report released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reveals that solar jobs in the U.S. (and other nations) are expanding quickly. As of November 2016, the American solar industry...

Google Adds Peer Pressure To Project Sunroof

New ideas struggle for acceptance. We are all fascinated by new technology but repelled by it at the same time. Peer pressure is a big factor in breaking down the barriers to...

Car Buyers In France Continuing To Back Away From Diesels, May 2017 Sales Figures Show

The release of May 2017 sales figures for France’s auto market has revealed that diesel car sales there are continuing their slow decline, with the diesel share of the total “car” market...

Vivint Solar Secures new $100 Million Financing for Residential Solar Deployment

Vivint Solar, a well-known name in the US solar market for its expanding market penetration and perpetual financial struggles, has landed another round of financing, securing $100 million in new tax equity...

Black Sea Is Damaged by Human Activity, the Environmental Research Reveals

Findings of the Black Sea Monitoring Surveys, carried out by the team of Georgian, Ukrainian and European researchers with assistance from the European Union (EU) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), were...

FRENCH PRESIDENT: If Trump Pulls out of the Paris Agreement, U.S. Climate Scientists Can Go to France

Where U.S. president Donald Trump stands on climate change is no secret, and his administration has already put into effect a number of efforts that clearly demonstrate this. Now, perhaps the biggest...

Landmark Resolution Could Pave Way for Cities to Go 100% Renewables

U.S. Conference of Mayors Vice President Mayor Steve Benjamin along with his Mayors for 100% Clean Energy co-chairs introduced a landmark resolution Wednesday to the U.S. Conference of Mayors that would formally...



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