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Tons of toxic microplastics are covering Sri Lanka’s western coastline

Sri Lanka is facing one of the worst environmental disasters in its history after tons of plastic pellets have washed ashore near its capital devastating kilometers of pristine beaches and threatening marine...

Nature Loss Threatens Global Economy

The ongoing loss of natural spaces, including forests, has become a systemic risk for the global economy, warns a new report from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and several partners. Over the...

How Rivals Can Work Together to Stop Plastic Waste

Rivals – traditionally - tend not to work together. This approach can help companies stay distinct as one-of-a-kind innovators and maintain competitive advantages. It can even protect consumers’ interests. Legislation exists across...

Bees, Bans and Broad-Spectrum Pesticides

Bees and other pollinators are increasingly under threat from human activities. To raise awareness of the importance of pollinators and their contribution to sustainable development, the UN marks May 20 as World...

Mahle Develops Magnet-Free Motor For Electric Vehicles

Tier One automotive supplier Mahle has developed an electric motor for EVs that uses no permanent magnets. It is not the first to do so, but it is the first to create...

Renewables are Stronger than Ever as They Power Through the Pandemic

Renewable sources of electricity such as wind and solar grew at their fastest rate in two decades in 2020 and are set to expand in coming years at a much faster pace...

Global Assessment: Urgent Steps Must be Taken to Reduce Methane Emissions this Decade

A Global Methane Assessment released today by the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) shows that human-caused methane emissions can be reduced by up to...

Clean Energy Demand For Critical Minerals Set to Soar as the World Pursues Net Zero Goals

Supplies of critical minerals essential for key clean energy technologies like electric vehicles and wind turbines need to pick up sharply over the coming decades to meet the world’s climate goals, creating...

Winning Combination in Cyprus

The sunniest country in this part of the world, with only a couple of dozen cloudy days throughout a year, is situated at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa. Its beauty,...

Plastic is a climate, health and social justice issue

Companies like Coke, Pepsi and Nestle rely on single-use plastic, which is not only polluting the entire planet with waste, but helping to prop up the oil and gas sector and fueling climate...

The National Assembly adopted four laws in the field of energy and mining

 Members of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted four laws in the field of mining and energy, including two new laws - the Law on the Use of Renewable...

Cleaning Up After Water Pollution

It is very difficult to reverse the effects of water pollution. Natural processes that cleanse the water can take years, decades, or even centuries, and even with costly technological processes, it can...

US Targets 30,000 Megawatts Of Offshore Wind, and How We Get There

The Biden administration has just set a goal of 30.000 megawatts of US offshore wind by 2030. and that’s got me thinking about the pieces that need to come together to make that possible....

What’s So Important About Mini-Grids?

To power a drill, run a lathe, turn a mill or work a pump, a thriving business needs electricity. Without it, the work must be done by hand. Six hundred million people living...

Four Rivers And Wetlands We Love, And Can’t Afford To Lose

Water means different things to different people. For some, it nourishes livelihoods and drives local economies and for others it’s a source of recreation and reflection. Water is valued for a variety...

Urban Fish Ponds: Low-Tech Sewage Treatment for Towns and Cities

In the mid 20th century, whole cities’ sewage systems safely and successfully used fish to treat and purify their water. Waste-fed fish ponds are a low-tech, cheap, and sustainable alternative to deal...



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