Energy portal traditionally cooperates with the Guarantee Fund of AP Vojvodina. We talked to Mr. Goran Vasić and learnt a lot about the importance and the potential which Vojvodina has in terms of biomass and biogas. Now, after a year, the new CEO of this institution is Mr. Ðorđe Raković, and we spoke with him for our “Energy Efficiency” bulletin.
EP: Open competition for the loans guarantee in the field of energy efficiency was announced and it stimulates the use of better equipment in agriculture and projects that improve the field of renewable energy sources. The competition will last for an unlimited period. The Law on Energy Efficiency was passed in Bosnia and Hercegovina and at the same time in Republika Srpska workshops are implemented and trainings for citizens on energy savings. The importance of energy efficiency is becoming more important than ever in the region. Mr. Ranković, please tell us what do you think about these tendencies?
Đorđe Raković: These are all positive signals, and all countries in the region should maximally be committed to the implementation of measures which lead to the cleaner environment, through the implementation of energy efficiency measures and the use of renewable energy sources. At the meeting in Skopje it was stated that the Republic of Serbia successfully conducts the implementation of ‘soft’ energy measures, and that it is on the right track in achieving of renewable energy share in energy mix of 27%, to which we committed as a state. It is important that everyone does their part of the job. We also as the Guarantee Fund of AP (Autonomous Province) Vojvodina, a non-profit financial institution, provide strong support to renewable sources in Vojvodina by guaranteeing the earmarked credit line which have been at disposal since 2015.
EP: What is the goal of your project and what exactly are the terms for taking part in this competition?
Đorđe Raković: The main objective of issuing guarantees is creating preconditions for an easier access to credit line of commercial banks, business enterprises (micro, small and medium), entrepreneurs and registered agricultural households in order to provide missing funds for financing the purchase of energy efficient equipment and the equipment necessary for the use of renewable energy sources. The condition for taking part in the open competition is for the users of the guarantee (companies, entrepreneurs or natural individuals, holders or registered agricultural farms) to be on the territory of AP Vojvodina and the project which competes must be implemented on the territory of AP Vojvodina. Energy efficient equipment includes the equipment which leads to reduction in energy consumption for at least 20% and which leads to a minimum 20% reduction of CO2 emission. The credit line also provides support to joint projects carried out by more legal or natural persons.
EP: What is your opinion on applicants for guarantee, and what was previously missing for the improvement of the situation of Serbian households?
Đorđe Raković: The fact is that people haven’t been educated enough so far, and that is the reason why we have government was formed and we have been in the field every day. We have visited almost 45 local municipalities in Vojvodina, people from the Guarantee Fund were present at all events on which out credit line was presented in direct contact with businessmen and agricultural producers. Only in the last two months, in addition to everyday tours of local authorities, the programs of the Guarantee Fund were presented on the Winter seminar of farmers, the International Energy Days, at meetings organized throughout Vojvodina by the Group Alliance of Vojvodina, at the Kopaonik Business Forum, etc.
EP: Can you name some examples of good practice or projects that came to life in Vojvodina?
Đorđe Raković: According to my information, numerous projects of energy efficiency are in progress in the Province and they are supported by the provincial government and we as the Guarantee Fund are involved in the projects dedicated to entrepreneurs and farmers. Special attention is being paid to the local resources which are insufficiently used, and these are biomass, wind energy and geothermal energy. We are preparing the programs which will rely on IPARD projects that will be financed from the EU accession Funds dedicated to the development of agriculture, and are oriented to the use of renewable energy sources on farms.
Interview by: Vesna Vukajlović
This interview was originally published in our bulletin “Energy Efficiency” in April 2017.