Search results for:environment protection

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Mexico City, a Megalopolis’ War on Plastic Bags

Paper cones, called “cucuruchos”, have been traditionally used by shoppers in Mexico City for carrying spices and grains. Now these plastic-free alternatives are making a comeback, along with straw baskets and reusable...

Kenyan Women Fight Invasive Species by Planting Indigenous Trees

When Zipporah Matumbi was growing up, she loved the way the forest in her village in East Kenya had a dense canopy. As an adult, she noticed that with extensive logging, the...

Why Does Europe Need to Limit Climate Change and Adapt to Its Impacts?

The increased exposure to climate related hazards will differ from region to region across Europe, according to the EEA story map. The background briefing shows examples of selected risks across Europe. It...

Creating Energy and Fighting Waste in Yemen

The humanitarian crisis in Yemen is considered to be among the worst in the world. In 2019, 80 per cent of Yemen’s people were in need—an estimated 24 million people. The 2019 Humanitarian Needs...

Nominate a Champion of Earth

Do you know a Champion of the Earth? Nominations for 2020 open on 20 January 2020. Every year, individuals, groups and organizations that have made outstanding contributions to the protection and restoration of the...

The Growth of EV Charging Network

According to the data coming from public and private companies, the number of delivered and installed chargers for electric vehicles is on the rise in Serbia. If this upward trend in the...

Innovation Is the Future of Serbia

What are the strategically important scientific projects supported and financed by the state with the view to preserve the environment, how are the scientific community and the economy connected, how are our...

ECOS® Is U.S. EPA 2019 Safer Choice Partner of the Year

ECOS®, a global leader in green cleaning products, is honored for its commitment to creating safer products for consumers – community celebrates the award at Lacey, WA, facility LACEY, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The maker of ECOS® environmentally friendl...

UK Could Put Tariffs on Food From Countries With Lower Standards

The UK could introduce tariffs on imports of food from countries with lower food safety and farming standards than the UK, using World Trade Organization rules, the environment secretary has suggested.“We want...

The Key to Sustainable Development Is Political Will

The eyes of the entire world are on France when it comes to combating climate change, not only because of the 2015 Paris Agreement, which pledged this country to reduce greenhouse gas...

Nature’s Oasis “Carska Bara”

How Carska bara recovered after the fire incurred by stubble burning and how wildlife is taken care of at the Special nature reserve Carska bara, we asked Dejan Zejak, the manager of...

Good Buzz Travels Fast!

Would you believe us if we revealed to you that one Belgrade-based marketing agency with around 40 employees during just one day in April expanded its working capacity with 72,000 new members...

Toward New Technologies and Investments

During the bygone summer, the team of Energy Portal visited the city of Pirot, the administrative centre of the district after which it got the name. Pirot district, which also includes municipalities...

2020 – International Year of Plant Health

The United Nations General Assembly declared 2020 as the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH). The year is a once in a lifetime opportunity to raise global awareness on how protecting plant...

Polluting Our Soils Is Polluting Our Future

Soil is a finite resource, meaning its loss and degradation is not recoverable within a human lifespan. Soils affect the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, our...

Green Priorities of Belgrade

The consequences of climate change and global warming are becoming more pronounced in urban areas, and the problem is even greater due to the fact the cities, to a large extent, generate...



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