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Urban Fish Ponds: Low-Tech Sewage Treatment for Towns and Cities

In the mid 20th century, whole cities’ sewage systems safely and successfully used fish to treat and purify their water. Waste-fed fish ponds are a low-tech, cheap, and sustainable alternative to deal...

Floating Islands in the Fight for Clean Lakes

The project “Revitalization of the lake at the locality of Trešnja by the System of floating islands” has been recognized on several occasions as an example of good practice, both by the...

EBRD and EU Help Serbia’s Bel-Plast to Become More Energy Efficient

How an investment in modern equipment led to significant savings Thirty years ago, the Špijunović family started a small home business. Today, the company’s facilities span 4,000 m2. Bel-Plast, in the Serbian city...

Green Shoots: Are COVID-19 Recovery Funds Helping the Environment?

In the last year, governments have pledged trillions of dollars in COVID-19 relief, creating what some observers have called a once-in-a-generation chance to make planet-friendly investments—and save the Earth from a looming...

2021: it’s Now or Never for Mediterranean Wetlands

It’s World Wetlands Day on 2 February – and there has never been a more important time for us to take stock of what’s being celebrated and why. That’s because the future...

Photo Exhibition „Natura 2000 in the Frame”

The project „EU for Natura 2000 in Serbia” organised in collaboration with the Energy Portal a photo contest „Natura 2000 in the frame” from September to November 2020. Out of more than 1,500...

Inauguration of Photo Exhibition “Natura 2000 in the frame”

The project “EU for Natura 2000 in Serbia” organized in collaboration with the Energy Portal a photo contest  “Natura 2000 in the frame” from September 14th to November 27th 2020. Out of more...

This Flying AI Robot Can Pick Fruit – Preventing Waste in the Process

It’s getting harder to find fruit pickers to harvest the world’s orchards. COVID-19 travel restrictions have prevented seasonal workers crossing borders, so some farmers are turning to AI drones to pick their...

Pacific Islands Unite Around Enhanced Renewables Ambition Under Climate Goals

In a year of critical action on climate mitigation and adaptation, Pacific Island governments have reinforced their commitment to energy transition action and strengthened sustainable energy goals within updated nationally determined contributions...

UN Environment Assembly Concludes With an Urgent Call For Action to Solve Planetary Emergencies

Ministers of environment and other leaders from more than 150 nations today concluded a two-day online meeting of the Fifth United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5) in which the Assembly warned that the...

At the Heart of Technological Transformation and Modernization

Spain is one of the European countries most concerned about climate change. The southern areas of this Mediterranean country are characterized by rather harsh climatic conditions, such as high temperatures, droughts, scarce...

A Ten Step Plan to Save Our Seas

The year 2050 has been predicted by some to be a bleak year for the ocean. Experts say that by 2050 there may be more plastic than fish in the sea, or perhaps only...

Helping Small Go Big: Mainstreaming What Happens in the Margins

With only a decade of action left for the sustainable development agenda, UNDP is looking beyond business as usual, to find new ways to learn from the margins, and to look into radically new approaches that fit the complexity...

Support In a Crisis and Creative Development Programs

The success of any crisis management is affected by a number of factors, including the availability of the necessary equipment. It is a crucial lesson that we, as a society, had difficulties...

India Has the Opportunity to Build a New Energy Future

India’s ability to ensure affordable, clean and reliable energy for its growing population will be vital for the future development of its economy, but avoiding the kind of carbon-intensive path previously followed...

Unless we Urgently Rethink Agriculture, More Diseases will Jump Species

As the world grapples with the current pandemic, other threats, not least our climate emergency, have not gone away. In 2020, the economic disruption from Covid-19 cost the world’s economy more than...



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