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Earth Day: What is it, When is it and Why is it Important?

Earth Day is an international day devoted to our planet. It draws attention to the environment and promotes conservation and sustainability. Each year on 22 April, around one billion people around the world...

New report unveils investment opportunities for solar in Oman

SolarPower Europe, supported by the Global Solar Council (GSC), and the Middle East Solar Industry Association (MESIA), launches its report on solar investment opportunities in Oman. The report, called “Oman: Solar investment opportunities",...

Cooperation Between Sciece and Business for a Sustainable Future

Eight years have passed since the signing of the Paris Agreement, which set the goal of holding the global average temperature increase below 2°C compared to the pre-industrial levels, with the indication...

BIG Solar Uses an Environmentally Friendly Method to Clean and Maintain Solar Panels

Solar energy is an excellent source of clean and renewable energy. Whether summer or winter, solar power plants require dedicated maintenance and regular cleaning to function properly and last as long as...

Growing Number of Floating Solar Power Plants in Asia

Indonesia recently got the prototype of a marine floating solar power plant, writes Offshore Energy. The project called Solar2Wave is a milestone in developing solar energy in Indonesia, which has successfully overcome...

Producing Hydrogen from Iron-Rich Rocks without Emitting Carbon Dioxide?

Hydrogen is often said to be the fuel of the future because its combustion does not emit carbon dioxide. However, for now, most hydrogen gas is still produced from natural gas, which...

EBRD and Erste Approve Financing for new Windfarm in Serbia

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), together with Erste Group Bank AG and its local bank Erste Bank a.d. Novi Sad (Erste), have approved a financing package worth 91.4 million...

After Slight Rise In 2023, Methane Emissions From Fossil Fuels Are Set To Go Into Decline Soon

Methane emissions from the energy sector remained near a record high in 2023 – but substantial policies and regulations announced in recent months, as well as fresh pledges stemming from the COP28...

Germany is Closing its Coal-Fired Power Plants

A complex story about the energy transition and the challenges that the global geopolitical situation brings with it is unfolding in a country that strives to be a leader in the fight...

The Future of Heat Pumps in China

Heating accounts for almost 20 per cent of energy use in industry and buildings globally, and about one-quarter of energy-sector emissions. China’s buildings and industry sectors account for about one-third of global...

Scientists Have Created Flexible and Waterproof Solar Cells

The sun is an inexhaustible energy source that has long inspired scientists to improve the technology of solar cells so that they can be used as widely as possible. Recently, we wrote about...

New Schneider Electric Hub: Ingrid Building in Novi Sad Sets Benchmark for Sustainable and Innovative Work Environment

Schneider Electric, present in Serbia and Montenegro for more than two decades, stands out by the placement of advanced solutions for energy efficiency, digitalization and automation, as well as by the impressive...

Eight ways to overcome the waste pollution crisis

Humanity generates between 2.1 billion and 2.3 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste a year. When improperly managed, much of that refuse—from food and plastics to electronics and textiles — emits greenhouse gases...


Eighteen Slovenian companies, organizations and municipalities have signed a consortium agreement stipulating the formation of a consortium that will deal with the development of a hydrogen ecosystem from low-carbon sources. Various criteria show...


Sustainable business is a relatively new, very sensitive and changing topic. Different companies throughout the supply chain and in different fields have different views of what is sustainable for them and what...


Germany recognizes the need for renewable energy and has launched an ambitious plan called Fusion 2040 - Research on the Way to a Fusion Power Plant which goal is to finance and...



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