Search results for:Wind energy

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Energy for Londoners: Mayor Powers Up £34m Solar and Energy Efficiency Plan

Mayor Sadiq Khan officially launched the latest phase of the Energy for Londoners initiative yesterday, detailing plans to invest £34m in a range of new services and programmes designed to boost energy...

US Wind Industry Installed 7 Gigawatts In 2017 & Drove $11 Billion In Investment

The US wind industry installed an impressive 7 gigawatts of new power capacity in 2017 and drove $11 billion worth of new private investment, according to a new report published by the...

Solar Energy Can Create More Good Jobs

Iowa is known across the country as a leader in renewable energy, including ethanol, biodiesel and wind. These industries are built on Iowa’s natural resources and benefit Iowans through lower energy costs,...

Fotowatio Reports Major Advances In Renewable Energy Markets In Chile & Mexico

The start of 2018 brought significantly positive developments for the Madrid-based Fotowatio Renewable Ventures, as it reported major developments from renewable energy markets in Mexico and Chile. Chile recently held an auction for...

Ørsted Begins Construction Of World Largest Offshore Wind Farm, The 1.2 Gigawatt Hornsea Project One

Danish offshore wind company Ørsted has begun construction on the 1.2 gigawatt Hornsea Project One offshore wind farm which, upon completion, will be the largest offshore wind farm in the world. Late last...

Saudi Arabia Set To Auction Around 4 Gigawatts Of Solar & Wind Capacity This Year

The world can expect more record-breaking bids for solar and wind energy projects this year as Saudi Arabia plans to hold at least two rounds of auction for solar and wind energy...

Australia Will Meet 2020 Renewable Energy Target Following Record Investments

Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator announced Tuesday that Australia will meet its 2020 Renewable Energy Target following 2017’s record level of clean energy investment. Earlier this month, Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) published its...

IEA Highlights Chile’s Potential As Renewable Energy Behemoth

The International Energy Agency has this week published a new report highlighting the emergence of Chile as one of the world’s growing renewable energy destinations, thanks to second-to-none resources and increasingly forward-looking...

UK Offshore Wind Could Hit 30 Gigawatts By 2030s

A new analysis from Aurora Energy Research which highlights “the new economics of offshore wind” has shown that offshore wind in the United Kingdom could reach up to 30 gigawatts by the...

Chinese Technology Helps Cuba Build Largest Wind Farm

Cuba aims to become one of the more than 100 countries that will meet their energy demands with renewable sources like wind, water or sunlight by 2050, as experts predict. To reach that...

Renewable Energy Helps Michigan

In 2008, Michigan passed energy legislation that required big utility companies to generate a certain percentage of their electricity from clean, renewable energy. Fast-forward to 2018: Michigan gets more than 10 percent of...

EU Lawmakers Back More Ambitious Renewables, Energy Saving Goals

European lawmakers approved draft measures on Wednesday to reform the power market and reduce energy consumption that envisage more ambitious climate goals, setting the stage for tough talks with reluctant EU member...

Worldwide Clean Energy Investments Hit $333.5 Billion Last Year

Global investment in renewable energy hit $333.5 billion in 2018, the second-highest on record, according to a new analysis from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). That's a 3 percent jump from 2016 and...

Record-Breaker: British Wind Power Output Tops 10GW

Wind power has set a new record in the UK, topping 10GW of output for the first time according to the latest data from Drax Electric Insights. Wind energy first broke the 10GW...

China Sitting Pretty To Dominate New Clean Energy Future, Claims IEEFA

With the United States pulling out of the Paris Climate Change Agreement, China has solidified its position as the dominant global clean energy powerhouse in 2017, and is set to lead the...

Wind & Solar + Storage Prices Smash Records

In a new report from Xcel Energy, the company reported unprecedented low bids for wind and solar with storage. Last year, Xcel announced it would close 660 MW worth of coal-fired power...



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