Search results for:Africa

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May 2017 Was 2nd Warmest May On Record, Behind Only May 2016

May 2017 was the second warmest (or hottest) May on record — in terms of global average surface temperatures. It was only a tenth of a degree behind the current record holder,...

NextEnergy Invests in ‘Subsidy-Free’ UK Solar Projects

In what could prove to be a major turning point for the UK's embattled solar market, NextEnergy Solar Fund Ltd (NESF) has this week announced it has acquired a portfolio of projects...

IRENA To Work With State Grid Of China To Accelerate Energy Transition

The International Renewable Energy Agency and the State Grid Corporation of China announced their intention last week to increase their cooperation with the intent to advance China’s energy transition. The State Grid Corporation...

Vietnamese 800 Megawatt Phu Cuong Wind Farm Gets Official Go-Ahead

Seven months after it was first proposed the massive 800 megawatt Vietnamese Phu Cuong Wind Farm has been officially formalized under a $2 billion Joint Development Agreement between GE Renewable Energy, Mainstream...

Renewable Energy Breaks Records in 2016, but Investments Are Falling

More gigawatts of renewable energy were installed worldwide in 2016 than in any previous year, according to a new report. The Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2017 report shows the costs of...

Tunisia Will Tender 210 Megawatts of Solar & Wind Capacity this Year

Tunisia will join an increasing number of countries to allocate renewable energy projects through competitive auctions when tenders for wind and solar power projects are open later this year. According to media reports,...

Tanzania to Open Renewable Energy Technology Training Centre

Following a study revealing that renewable energy, particularly solar, is dominating rural Tanzania, there are now plans to open a training centre. The director of the Innovative Technology and Energy Centre (ITEC), Dr...

84% of People Now Consider Climate Change a ‘Global Catastrophic Risk’

A majority of people in eight countries say they are ready to change their lifestyles if it would prevent climate catastrophe, a survey on global threats released Wednesday found. The poll of 8,000...

Embrace Decentralised Renewable Energy for Power Supply

Countries in Africa and South Asia should embrace inexpensive decentralised renewable energy (DRE) technologies for clean, sustainable and affordable power for all, says a report. Most national governments are far from solving energy...

Report: Green Energy Boasts Global Workforce of 9.8 Million

More than 9.8 million people around the world were working in clean energy in 2016, according to the latest data from the International Renewable Energy Association (IRENA). A combination of falling costs and...

NATO Members Warn of ‘Serious Security Implications’ From Climate Change

A series of draft reports released by NATO member politicians today warns of the growing threat from climate change to peace and security in the Middle East and Africa, and urges all...

Agreements Signed For 120 Megawatts Of Solar Projects In Nigeria

Two more project developers have signed financial risk agreements for utility-scale solar power projects in Nigeria, strengthening the country’s roadmap towards becoming a major solar power market in Africa. Local companies Afrinegia Nigeria...

Report: UK Firms Tapping £290bn Global Renewables Market

UK renewable energy firms are consistently signing multi-million pound export contracts, securing themselves a foothold in a fast-expanding global market worth $290bn a year. That is the conclusion of a new study from...

How 3 Women Are Changing The World With Solar Energy

 Given the transformative potential of solar power to address growing concerns about climate change, pollution, and sustainable energy integration, as well as to effectively harness the unique skills of women, it is...

Mark van Wees: Support for Serbia through IPA project

In mid-September last year the representatives of the GFA Consulting Group took participation at the conference in the Serbian Chamber of Commerce where the beginning of work on the Strategy on Climate...

How Wind Energy Helps to Conserve Water

The world is entering a new energy era, where consumption of renewable energy sources seems to be the only way to conserve nature and save life on the planet. By now, everybody knows...



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