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A Short Guide to Building a Sustainable Shelter in Nature

Imagine you are on a desert island. You are trying to invoke the image of Bear Grylls in hope for some hint on survival technique, but with no success whatsoever. You have...

6 Things You Can Do to Avoid Climate Catastrophe

We've already warmed the world about 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) since pre-industrial times—with disastrous effects. Sea levels are rising, coral reefs are dying, species are going extinct and extreme weather...

We Have 12 years to Limit Climate Change Catastrophe, Warns UN

The world’s leading climate scientists have warned there is only a dozen years for global warming to be kept to a maximum of 1.5C, beyond which even half a degree will significantly...

50% of Industrial Climate Change Emissions Tied to Fossil Fuel Companies

The Rocky Mountain Institute recently released a report titled Decarbonization Pathways for Mines: A Headlamp in the Darkness, in which it was stated that in 2015, half of worldwide industrial greenhouse gas...

UK Summer ‘Wind Drought’ Puts Green Revolution into Reverse

Britain’s long heatwave threw the country’s green energy revolution into reverse and pushed up carbon emissions this summer, leading experts to stress the need for a diverse energy mix.The summer of 2017...

Renewables Powered 88% of Brazil in June

Renewable energy generated 88% of Brazil’s entire demand in June. Clean power sources such as wind, biomass, solar and hydro accounted for 81.9% of Brazil’s installed capacity of energy generation at the time,...

These Massive Renewable Energy Projects Are Powering Chilean Mines

Minerals are so abundant in Chile’s northern Atacama Desert, you can get copper just by kicking the mountain—or so says one of the miners’ favorite proverbs. A century after many of the...

CEEFOR: Achieving Energy Efficient through the Development of Energy Audits

Energy efficiency is the sum of planned and implemented measures which have a goal to use the minimum amount of needed energy while preserving the level of comfort and production rate. The company...

2017 Was a Record Breaking Year for Renewables, But More Needs to Be Done

2017 broke the record for increased renewable energy capacity, Reuters reported Sunday. But it still isn't enough to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in line with the goals of the Paris agreement.These are...

Zeleni and Obilicev venac

Two important landmarks of the Serbian capital are becoming truly greener.It is expected in the future that the first green building rises on the site of the former Beobank building at Zeleni...

Renewable Energy Dominates Early 2018 Power Plant Construction

The February Infrastructure Update from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) reported that 98 percent of power plants built in the first two months of 2018 were renewable, Popular Mechanics reported Thursday. During...

Next Week Belgrade Will Become Host to Experts for Renewable Energy Developement and Environment

RENEXPO® WATER & ENERGY, the largest international trade fair and conference program in the region about sustainable energy development, energy efficiency, environmental protection, water management and waste and e-mobility, will be held...

Mainland Portugal Generated More Renewable Energy Than It Needed in March

Renewable energy sources made up 103.6 percent of mainland Portugal's electricity use this March, according to industry information released Tuesday and reported by Reuters. Portugal has been a leader in renewable energy since...

As The Glaciers Of The Swiss Alps Melt, Hydroelectric Firms Look Toward Wind Power

Over the coming decades, some of the rivers in Europe that utilize hydroelectric facilities to generate electricity are expected to see greatly reduced water flows due to the rapid disappearance of glaciers...

ACCIONA To Cover National Mining Company Of Chile’s Electricity Consumption With 100% Renewables

Global leader in renewable energy and infrastructure ACCIONA has been awarded the contract to supply 100% of The National Mining Company of Chile’s electricity consumption with renewable energy and will start building...

The World’s First Floating Wind Farm has Already Exceeded Expectations

Hywind is the first commercial floating wind farm, located more than 15 miles off the coast of Aberdeenshire, Scotland in the North Sea. Built by Norwegian conglomerate Statoil, the six turbines came...



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