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How to Exploit Coal Reserves?

The increase of energy production from renewable sources and higher energy efficiency are definitely directions towards a sustainable energy future of Serbia. Energy experts have no dilemmas about that. However, the subject...

COVID-19 Intensifies the Urgency to Expand Sustainable Energy Solutions Worldwide

Despite accelerated progress over the past decade, the world will fall short of ensuring universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy by 2030 unless efforts are scaled up significantly, reveals...

Green, Green Grass of Sombor

It is not just the hackberries and yew trees that are the green symbol of Sombor given that the environmental standards and clean technology are also being more and more applied in...

UNEP Start-Up Challenge Winners Show How Business Can Build Back Better From COVID-19

The 2020 winners of a UN Environment Programme (UNEP) start-up initiative are demonstrating business solutions that will help Asia build back better and greener after the COVID-19 pandemic. The nine entrepreneurs selected by...

Environmentally Conscious Tourists Are Attracted to Eco-Friendly Destinations

If you are a fan of unspoiled nature hidden between the Montenegrin mountains and the Adriatic Sea, surely it must have happened to you, at least once, to be stuck for hours...

Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Thriving World

The development of sustainable energy projects, including finance and advisory services, makes the core business of E3 International (E3I). Bonnie Norman, president of E3 International and well-known advisor on the creation of...

Renewable Energy Can Support Resilient and Equitable Recovery

Advancing the renewables-based energy transformation is an opportunity to meet international climate goals while boosting economic growth, creating millions of jobs and improving human welfare by 2050, finds the first Global Renewables...

All for One, CEEFOR for All

The company  CEEFOR was founded in 2010 in Belgrade. At their disposal, customers have a diverse team of more than 20 professionals with many years of work experience - from mechanical, electrical and...

Oil Price Volatility Will Give a Boost to Renewables

Everyone loves low prices, but what the business community values most of all is predictability. The recent volatility in global oil markets — spearheaded by a fight to the death between Saudi...

A Genuine Artificial Leaf – New Source of Clean Energy?

The race to create a genuine artificial leaf has heated up to the boiling point. The latest development is a new device that looks like a greenish tile the size of a...

Under What Conditions Will Clean Energy Become The Norm?

Even as renewables become a more common energy source around the world, they still face major obstacles. Some barriers are inherent with all new technologies; others are the result of skewed regulatory...

Can by Can – Yes, I Can!

All good ideas have something in common – it always appears to be some ever so logical and simple solution where such an idea found its implementation. The same goes for the...

ABB’s Success Formula

Presenting a world-class company that achieves notable results in numerous areas can be a challenging task. One of those companies is ABB, which is paving the way for the future by introducing...

Drought and Flood Cause Drop in Emissions

Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions have flatlined due to the effects of the drought, which has caused a large drop in carbon dioxide from the agriculture sector.The government’s quarterly greenhouse data for the...

Offshore Windfarms ‘Can Provide More Electricity Than the World Needs’

Erecting wind turbines on the world’s best offshore sites could provide more than enough clean energy to meet global electricity demand, according to a report.A detailed study of the world’s coastlines has...

Eden Project to Begin Drilling for Clean Geothermal Energy

A plan to heat the giant biomes of the Eden Project and, eventually, neighbouring communities by tapping into the “hot rocks” beneath the Cornish attraction has moved a step closer.The Eden Project...



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