Search results for:energy crisis

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China Has an Ambitious Five-Year Plan to Convert Homes to Clean Heating

China has taken several steps this year to curb its greenhouse gas emissions. The nation has tested new electric vehicles, shut down coal-burning factories, and moved forward on plans for “sponge cities”...

‘Monumental’: China Launches National Emissions Trading System

China has today announced further details of its forthcoming national emissions trading scheme (ETS), revealing the rollout will start in the energy sector before full implementation from 2020 onwards. In a move that...

‘Unacceptable’: European Fossil Fuel Subsidies top €112bn a Year

European governments are continuing to hand out more than €112bn a year in fossil fuel subsidies, despite having signed up to a commitment to phase out harmful subsidies by 2020. That is the...

South Miami = 1st City Outside California To Enact Rooftop Solar Mandate

Yes, South Miami, Florida, supports the Paris Climate Agreement. The city has reason to do so, as concerns are large that Miami and surrounding areas will sink into the wild blue ocean...

100 Major Companies Have Officially Pledged To Switch To 100% Renewable Electricity

Since 2014, the RE100 initiative has been working behind the scenes with businesses and organizations of all sizes and sectors to negotiate transitions to 100 percent renewable electricity. The reason is simple:...

DUSKA DIMOVIC: Mankind Lives Beyond the Capacity of Nature

One of the most prominent actions in Serbia’s public life that deals with nature is 'Earth Hour'. It is an action that is being implemented throughout the world and the creators of...

Planet Breaches 410 ppm for First Time in Human History

The amount of carbon in the Earth's atmosphere is now officially off the charts as the planet last week breached the 410 parts per million (ppm) milestone for the first time in...

Study: Investment in Creating Climate-Resilient Communities Could Curb Terror Threat

Building resilient communities capable of adapting to the impacts of global warming is likely to be a key tool in minimising the threat from terrorist organisations around the world. That is the conclusion...

Oklahoma Ends Wind Subsidy Despite Generous Tax Breaks for Fossil Fuel Industry

Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin signed a bill into law Monday that will end a state tax credit several years early for electricity generated by wind power. Under the new legislation, wind farms that...

5 Ways China Is Becoming the Global Leader on Climate Change

Last week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief Scott Pruitt called the Paris agreement a "bad deal." He claimed China has made no significant efforts to curb carbon pollution, while the...

Study: UK Leads G7 at Cutting Emissions and Growing Economy

The idea that cutting carbon emissions damages a country's economy needs to be consigned to history once and for all, according to a major new study that reveals how the UK has...

5 Cities Leading the Charge on Climate Action

The sheer number of people who live in cities now and who are expected to move into them in the coming years is startling. Around two-thirds of the world's population is predicted...

China’s Premier Unveils Smog-Busting Plan to ‘Make Skies Blue Again’

The Chinese premier, Li Keqiang, has promised to step up his country’s battle against deadly smog, telling an annual political congress: “We will make our skies blue again.” China’s cities have become synonymous...

Are China’s Carbon Emissions About to Fall?

China is on track to record its fourth year in a row of flat or reduced greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new analysis by Greenpeace's East Asia office. The campaign group today...

Fighting Environmental Injustice in Europe

Behind the dominant narrative of the Greek crisis, there is a story of resource exploitation that will be all too familiar to millions of people in Latin America, Africa and Asia. With their...

There Is Constantly Fewer Water Resources, Better Management Is Necessary

While preparing for the interview with PhD Nebojša Veljković, we have performed several experiments and easily made sure that the litre of water is more expensive than the litre of petrol. Continuation...



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