Search results for:Global warming

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Shipping ‘Progressives’ Call for Industry Carbon Emission Cuts

Many of the world’s biggest shipowners and charterers have called on heads of state to take swift action to force carbon emission cuts on their industry which is the only sector in...

Park City, Utah Commits to 100% Renewable Energy

Park City, Utah is on the front lines of global warming as it grapples with decreasing snowfall and a shorter winter season that traditionally draws thousands of skiers and snowboarders from around...

Oslo’s Radical “Climate Budget” Aims to Halve Carbon Emissions in Four Years

Oslo's leftist city government issued its first "climate budget" on Wednesday aiming to halve greenhouse gas emission within four years in one of the world's most radical experiments to slow global warming. The...

Planes Need to Stop Existing in a Parallel Universe when it Comes to the Climate Fight

Curbing flight emissions is essential to meeting the Paris pact, but planes are completely absent from the text, face no legal fuel efficiency requirements or limits on CO2 emissions. But all that...

Greenland’s Huge Annual Ice Loss Is Even Worse than Thought

The huge annual losses of ice from the Greenland cap are even worse than thought, according to new research which also shows that the melt is not a short-term blip but a...

Fast food Chains Largest Contributors of Carbon Emissions: Study

Rapidly growing multinational fast food chains in India are the largest contributors to hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) emissions and could add the equivalent of nearly one million tonnes of carbon emissions by 2020, says a new...

Leonardo DiCaprio Given Rival Invitations to Visit Great Barrier Reef

Scientists and tour operators on the Great Barrier Reef have extended a “non-political” offer to show Leonardo DiCaprio the impacts of coral bleaching, after the Queensland government responded to the actor’s comments...

Land and sea warmest in 2015: ‘State of the Climate’ report

Last year was the warmest year on record for land and sea, partly because seasonal El Nino climate patterns prevailed year-round, and melting ice pushed sea levels to the highest ever, a...

Climate Guru Tells Calif. Governor Not To Close Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant

On Thursday,a letter to Governor Jerry Brown of California, about how nuclear energy was essential to fighting global warming, was sent by Dr. James Hansen and the leading climate scientists in the...

Volcanic eruptions slow down climate change – temporarily

Although global concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has continuously increased over the past decade, the mean global surface temperature has not followed the same path. A team of international reseachers,...

New Coal Technologies Spell Disaster for Climate

"Fuelling the Fire": The chequered history of Underground Coal Gasification and Coal Chemicals around the world" is a new report that sets out the dangers that Underground Coal Gasification and Coal Chemical...

EPA Finding Clears Way for Limit on Aircraft Emissions

The Environmental Protection Agency on Monday declared that jet engine exhaust endangers public health by contributing to climate change, a key milestone as it works to develop regulations that will cut carbon...

Revealed: Vatican Bank Officials Tied to Fossil Fuels

Two Vatican Bank board members have financial links to the fossil fuels industry, with one reported to have donated to a leading climate sceptic organisation, according to an Energydesk investigation. The news comes...

Maldives Urges Rich Countries to Rapidly Ratify Paris Climate Agreement

Rich countries must ratify the climate change agreement reached in Paris last December, one of the world’s most at-risk nations has warned. Thoriq Ibrahim, environment and energy minister of the Maldives, told the...

Antarctic CO2 Hits 400ppm for the First Time in 4m Years

We’re officially living in a new world. Carbon dioxide has been steadily rising since the start of the Industrial Revolution, setting a new high year after year. There’s a notable new entry to...

CO2 Turned into Stone in Iceland in Climate Change Breakthrough

Carbon dioxide has been pumped underground and turned rapidly into stone, demonstrating a radical new way to tackle climate change. The unique project promises a cheaper and more secure way of burying CO2...



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