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Reform Is Not Enough to Build Trust – a Call for System Change

In 2021, the world has a chance to not just move beyond the acute COVID-19 public health crisis, but to do it in a way that sets us on a just and...

Serving up Sustainable Food

Along with a vow to return to exercise, upping personal intake of fruit and vegetables tops the list of New Year’s resolutions for many. But what if this year’s resolution didn’t end...

This Zoo Just Saved One of the World’s Rarest Turtles From Extinction

Some of the rarest turtles in the world have been brought back from the brink of extinction. The Northern River Terrapin (Batagur baska) is a freshwater turtle once common in the waterways of...

As Climate Change Hits Harder, World Must Increase Efforts to Adapt

2020 was not only the year of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was also the year of intensifying climate change: high temperatures, floods, droughts, storms, wildfires and even locust plagues. Even more worryingly,...

Sustainability: What Are the Alternatives to Economic Growth?

The EEA briefing 'Growth without economic growth' presents an overview of the various ideas about progress beyond economic growth. Economic growth is closely linked to increasing production, consumption and resource use, which has...

Water, Our Ally in Adapting to Climate Change in the Western Balkans

In times of crisis, such as the one we are facing right now due to COVID-19, proper hygiene and access to clean water are crucial. Just as important is a set of measures...

Caring For the Environment Should Be a Lifestyle 

Traffic belongs to major air pollutants, and selection of the mode of transport is considered as one of the main factors of influence. We all have the opportunity to make that choice....

Scotland Plans To Protect 30 percent Of Its Land To Boost Biodiversity

Scotland is famous for whiskey, haggis and stunning scenery; rolling hills, snow-capped mountains and more than 30,000 freshwater lochs. It is also home to around 90,000 species of animals, microbes and plants. Now,...

European Union Approves World’s Largest Green Stimulus

On Friday, EU lawmakers agreed to provide a €672 billion recovery fund boost for the EU economy. How green is it? Fairly green — 37 percent of the funding has to go to...

Mitigating Climate Change: It Starts With Better Ocean Data

For years (and we mean many years), the ocean helped us mitigate the early effects of human emissions by absorbing greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide and heat, from the atmosphere. As a...

Awarded Prizes of the Photo Contest „Natura 2000 in the Frame”

Levente Szekeres is the winner of the photo-competition „Natura 2000 in the frame“ with his photo „Feeding“. Second prize was won by Violeta Milutinovic with photo „Defiance“, while the third prize went...

Transforming Agri-Food Systems to Feed the World and Tackle Climate Change

Feeding the world's growing population while limiting the impacts of climate change will require urgent and radical transformation of our agri-food systems, FAO Director-General QU Dongyu said at a High-Level event commemorating...

This Belgian Start-Up Allows Anyone to Become an Urban Farmer

A Belgian start-up is helping people in major cities turn their hand to urban farming. Peas&Love is the brainchild of Jean-Patrick Scheepers, co-founder of Belgium’s biggest cooking school. After the failure of a...

Mountain People Among the World’s Hungriest as Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change Take their Toll

Mountains host about half of the global biodiversity hotspots and are home to a growing number of the world's hungriest people, according to a new study launched by the Food and Agriculture...

More than 1500 Photos on the Contest „Natura 2000 in the Frame”

The photo contest „Natura 2000 in the frame", which was jointly organized by the project „EU for Natura 2000 in Serbia" and the Energy Portal, was completed on November 27th. During 11...

Soil Pollution a Risk to Our Health and Food Security

Each year, the world marks World Soil Day on 5 December to raise awareness about the growing challenges in soil management and soil biodiversity loss, and encourage governments, communities and individuals around...



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