Search results for:Greenhouse gas emissions

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Are Companies Feeling the Pressure from Sustainable Consumers?

The world’s leading suppliers of groceries, personal care products, household goods and consumer electronics are racing to adapt to sustainably-minded consumers.That’s the verdict from environmental non-profit CDP, which has published a new...

Shift Towards Clean Energy in Southeastern Europe: Challenges and Opportunities

Various means such as petroleum products, biomass, sun, wind, water, nuclear fission, lead us to the production of electricity as the ultimate goal. Each of the methods of obtaining energy has its...

Australia Rejects New Coal Mine on Environmental Grounds

An Australian court has rejected plans for a new coal mine on environmental grounds.In a landmark ruling for the coal-dependent nation, Chief Justice Brian Preston said the proposed facility in New South...

World’s Seas ‘Will Change Colour by 2100’

The world’s seas will change colour by 2100. That’s the prediction made in a new study led by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and published in the Nature Communications...

UK Chips an Inch Shorter After Summer Heatwave – Report

The British chip has been left an inch shorter by the 2018 heatwave, according to a report on the risks to UK fruit and vegetable growing from climate change.The spell of baking...

Antarctic Melting Increased 6x in the Past 40 Years

The results of what researchers say is the longest-running study of Antarctica's ice mass have been published, and they are dramatic. Yearly ice loss has increased by a factor of six in the...

New York Completes 1.2MW Community Solar Array

New York has completed the construction of a 1.2MW community solar array. Nearly 200 households and businesses are already benefitting from the site in Brooklyn, which entered operation earlier this month. The project was...

Legal Plastic Content in Animal Feed Could Harm Human Health, Experts Warn

Small bits of plastic packaging from waste food make their way into animal feed as part of the UK’s permitted recycling process.Plastic traces in animal feed could pose a risk to human...

‘Finally Some Good News Out of Washington’: Nation’s Capital to Go 100% Renewable by 2032

Washington, DC made history Tuesday when its council voted unanimously to transition to 100 percent renewable energy by 2032, the Huffington Post reported.The commitment is part of the Clean Energy DC Omnibus Act of 2018, which...

Beef-Eating ‘Must Fall Drastically’ as World Population Grows

People in rich nations will have to make big cuts to the amount of beef and lamb they eat if the world is to be able to feed 10 billion people, according...

Meat-Heavy Menu at COP24 Isn’t Helping Anything

New analysis from the Center for Biological Diversity, Farm Forward and Brighter Green Sunday finds that the meat-heavy menu at the United Nations' Framework Convention on Climate Change conference COP24 could contribute more than 4,000 metric...

5 Things to Know Before Next Week’s Critical UN Climate Talks

Next week, heads of state and representatives from roughly 200 countries will descend in Katowice, Poland for the 24th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention...

Tropics Could Face Six Climate Disasters at Once by 2100

In a year that saw record-breaking heat waves, record-breaking hurricanes and record-breaking wildfires, it's hard to imagine how the future could look any more like a disaster movie than the present. But that is exactly what...

Dead Fish to Power Cruise Ships

Norwegian company to fuel liners with biogas made from leftovers of fish processing.Waste fish parts will be used to power ships in a new initiative to use green energy for polluting cruise...

Spain Targets 100% Renewable Electricity by 2050

Spain has set out ambitious plans to switch to 100% renewable electricity by 2050. Under the proposals, the government aims to install at least 3GW of wind and solar power capacity every year...

Forget Flying Reindeer – Lapland’s Airports Are Switching to Renewable Diesel

Finnish airport operator Finavia is now powering its vehicles with fuel made from waste.At airports across Finland’s northernmost region of Lapland, vehicles are switching to oil refining firm Neste’s ‘MY Renewable Diesel’.Finnish airport...



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