Search results for:Global warming

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Methane from Livestock Nearing Worst-Case Scenario for Climate Change

Exhaust emissions from gasoline and diesel cars get a lot of attention from policymakers attempting to combat climate change. But another very large source of carbon emissions has nothing to do with...

Uncertainties Related to Climate Engineering Limit its Use in Curbing Climate Change

Climate engineering refers to the systematic, large-scale modification of the environment using various climate intervention techniques. However, a new study by VTT and the Finnish Meteorological Institute suggests that the uncertainties associated...

Alstom and Carbone 4 measured the carbon footprint of the tramway versus Bus Rapid Transit systems

Alstom and Carbone 4, a leading consulting company specialized in climate-resilient and low-carbon strategy presented recently the results of a study demonstrating that tramways have a smaller footprint than Bus Rapid Transit...

Calls for greater collaboration to enhance resource efficiency and economic growth

Scientists, industry-leaders and policy-makers gathered in Paris on saturday to discuss the economic potential of resource efficiency, as well as its role in limiting global warming and putting the world on a...

Tesla, SolarCity Power Entire Island With Solar + Batteries

Ta'u, an island in American Samoa, has turned its nose at fossil fuels and is now almost 100 percent powered with solar panels and batteries thanks to technology from the newly combined...

Climate change is changing nature so much it may need ‘human-assisted evolution’, scientists say

Life on Earth has already been fundamentally altered by global warming, affecting the genes of plants and animals and altering every ecosystem on the planet, according to a major review of the...

Report: Boosting Energy Efficiency Investment Crucial for Hitting Climate Targets

Energy efficiency is an area of climate action with "enormous untapped potential", according to a new report released today by the Carbon Trust which underscores the urgent need for increased global investment...

World’s First Streetlights Powered by Footsteps Installed in Las Vegas

When most people think "clean energy," solar panels and wind turbines typically come to mind. But what if the simple act of walking could create emissions-free electricity? Las Vegas is proving that...

Your Carbon Footprint Destroys 30 Square Metres of Arctic Sea Ice a Year

The average westerner’s carbon emissions destroy 30 square metres of Arctic sea ice every year, according to new research. The work indicates that, even with current efforts to cut emissions, the Arctic will...

Paris Climate Change Agreement Enters Into Force

The Paris agreement on climate change enters into force on Friday, marking the first time that governments have agreed legally binding limits to global temperature rises. The passage of the accord – the...

Humans Create Carbon Emissions which Spawn Australia’s Extreme Weather – Report

Carbon emissions from human activities have driven significant changes to the climate in Australia, including about 1C of warming and an increase in extreme hot days and fire weather, according to the...

Western Australia Must Embrace Dawn of Renewable Energy Era or Risk Being Left Behind

Last year the world’s governments finally got their act together on climate change, agreeing to limit global warming to well under two degrees. To meet this commitment, we need a rapid global...

Environmental Group Calls for Electric Car Infrastructure

Members of environmental groups and electric car owners gathered at The Peacock Inn in Princeton on Monday to call for increased electric car infrastructure in New Jersey. They also touted a study with...

U.S. Energy Shakeup Continues as Solar Capacity Triples

Solar power capacity in the U.S. will have nearly tripled in size in less than three years by 2017 amid an energy shakeup that has seen natural gas solidify its position as...

COP22: from Paris to Marrakesh

After close to 200 countries signed up to a historic Climate Agreement in Paris at the end of 2015, the focus this year is firmly on the follow-up meeting in Marrakesh, Morocco...

Solar & Wind Cheaper To Replace Coal In UK Than Biomass

A new study has concluded that transitioning to wind and solar power would be a cheaper option for the United Kingdom to replace its coal fleet than using biomass electricity generation. According to...



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