Search results for:carbon dioxide

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Is Small-Scale Hydro the Answer To India’s Clean Energy Needs?

In the western Himalayas, the entire village of Hamal is powered by a small hydroelectric plant on the edge of the Shalvi river. Producing 2MW per hour, the plant provides enough power...

EU Set to Limit Priority for Future Renewable Energy Projects: Draft

EU regulators plan to limit renewable energy producers' right to be the first to sell their electricity into European power grids, but stopped short of scrapping such privileges for existing projects as...

29% of Water Deemed Unsuitable for Human Consumption in China’s Top Coal Province

We know that Trump digs coal, but of all the fossil fuels, coal is Earth's biggest polluter. The environmental impact of the coal industry is vast and devastating. And now, production of...

The Electric Porsche Needs to Roar

In his years overseeing the development of Porsche’s Cayman and Boxster two-seaters, Stefan Weckbach never faced a hurdle like the one he encountered when shepherding the company’s first all-electric car to market:...

Tiny Power Plant Sucks CO2 From The Air And Turns It Into Fuel

Ineratec, an offshoot of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), has devised a creative solution to the excess carbon dioxide (CO2) soaking the atmosphere. The company developed a small power plant that sucks...

BelEx International Conference showcases NIS gas preparation novelties

At the 15th Belgrade Stock Exchange International Conference “Upgrade Belgrade 2016“ NIS showcased its accomplishments in natural gas production and inaugurated its Amine Plant, which was put on stream this year within...

Global ‘Greening’ Has Slowed Rise of CO2 in the Atmosphere, Study Finds

A global “greening” of the planet has significantly slowed the rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since the start of the century, according to new research. More plants have been growing due...

US Vehicle Emissions Hit Record Low as Fuel Economy Climbs to Record High

The transportation sector accounts for 26 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Recognizing the opportunity to reduce carbon pollution from vehicles to mitigate climate change, in 2012 the...

World on Track for 3C of Warming under Current Global Climate Pledges, Warns UN

The commitments made by governments on climate change will lead to dangerous levels of global warming because they are incommensurate with the growth of greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new report. The...

Renewable Street Lighting Firm Powers Up with £1.5m Investment

A UK firm that develops street lighting that is fully powered by renewable electricity has launched in Greater Manchester, backed by £1.5m investment from its founder. Solar Street Lighting, founded by North West...

$75m Loan for Country’s Largest Wind Farm in Pakistan

The Asian Development Bank announced on Monday its approval of a $75 million loan to support the development of the largest wind farm in Pakistan. The deal with Triconboston Consulting Corporation (TBCC) is...

Climate-Friendly Transport in Chinese Cities

Traffic in China’s cities is steadily increasing. GIZ is advising the country on how to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and make the transport sector more climate friendly. Climate change mitigation is a major...

U.S. Energy Shakeup Continues as Solar Capacity Triples

Solar power capacity in the U.S. will have nearly tripled in size in less than three years by 2017 amid an energy shakeup that has seen natural gas solidify its position as...

Wind Power Could Supply 20% of Global Electricity by 2030

Although solar power gets more press, the wind power industry is growing nearly as fast. The (GWEC) released an historic report Tuesday in Beijing, saying 20 percent of the world’s total electricity...

Electric Vehicles Will Help the Shift Toward EU’s Green Transport Future

A large scale roll-out of electric cars on European roads would result in significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions and lower levels of certain air pollutants, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA)...

Cheers to This: Beer That’s Good for the Climate

A new beer from Patagonia Provisions and Hopworks Urban Brewery is made with Kernza, a perennial grain designed to save water, protect soil, and absorb carbon. Long Root Ale, a pale ale hitting...



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